Nitro is named after Dodge Nitro. shocker right? Nitro is 7 weeks old TODAY! yep he is cute, right? He came into our lives just a few days ago when we saw and Add on ksl.com for him. He wasn't as cheap as Jessie was but he is also a pure bread boxer. He is also Reverse brindle color too! AND he has blue eyes! We fell in love with Nitro the second we saw him. He was shy when we got out to see the puppies, He hid behind a chair and after a few minutes of coaxing he came out and I got to hold him and pet him. After a few minutes of cuddling I had decided that I wanted him in our family. Ryan and I had to take off to buy him a small kennel really quick and so I set him on the ground. We talked to the lady for a few minutes and I noticed Nitro was sitting on my foot, as we walked away Nitro followed as if to say, "hey don't forget me!" Nitro came home with us that day and has never left my side since! Seriously, if you see me driving he is probably sitting on my lap! I take him everywhere. He is my baby. Jessie loves him...okay not so much as she would if he was older because she just walks right over him and he likes to bite...but she will learn to love him as he gets older. Best part is- Ryan is crazy for this dog, which isn't really a shocker, but it's so cute to see them play together. Ryan loves this dog because he has learned to fetch and brings the ball back, which Jessie refuses to do- she chases the ball jumps over it and runs back.
and we've been back once since. This will be our second time going back since our honeymoon! All in just over a year! We will be staying in a cabin Just like this one and this time we are going with my family, Michael, Tyff, Mom, Dad, Nick, Bay, Grannyma-she's flying in from Texas just to come with! I have never been so excited for anything, except maybe being married to the man of my dreams! and Best part? We get to take Nitro! Jessie has to stay home because she's too big and doesn't fit in the car but as soon as we get a truck you bet she will be with us everywhere we go to!
I love our "Just do it" moments. It adds excitement to this boring life we live of work work work. Stay tuned and I'll post more "Just do it" moments as they come :D