20 weeks pregnant. How exciting! I am more excited for my second half of pregnancy. Let me tell you why.
Ever since I've "grown up" I've been taking a lot better care of myself. In high school, I would have a cookie and a diet coke for lunch, most of the time that was all I ate all day. I didn't care about my health. Exercising was putting in 30hours a week at Pizza Villa/ Big Js after school and working my butt off for people I don't like. After I graduated my attitude for life and my health changed. I worked hard and ate healthy and only when I was hungry, I also started to drink a lot of water. Soon my weight dropped, my attitude was better, and I loved life. After Ryan and I got married we would go on walks, go hiking, biking, snowboarding, and running. He makes me want to be a better, healthier person. When we started to talk about starting a family life got really exciting. I knew it was time to really start taking care of myself but I wasn't sure where to start.
This pregnancy started with the feeling I was pregnant. I know my body very well so I started noticing changes before most people probably would. I noticed fatigue and mood changes, my breasts were tender and all-of-a-sudden huge, that wasn't normal. I took an early pregnancy test, the one where you can know a week before your missed period. It came back positive and I didn't have to take another one because I KNEW it was right. At that moment I took initiative, I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks and doubled water intake. If we went out for food I tried to eat healthy, wheat bun, grilled chicken, lots and lots of salad and fruit!
My first half of pregnancy took a tole on me physically. Running, exercise, eating wasn't an option because I could barely get away from the toilet. Dehydration, exhaustion, and just feeling crummy has now withered away into a dark hole and I'm excited to get healthy again and enjoy pregnancy!
I've talked Ryan into buying us a membership to Planet Fitness, it is an hour drive there but I think worth it since the gym in town costs a fortune and is poorly taken care of! Plus his work pays for our membership anyways. I will also be enjoying snowboarding. **note, I have been skiing/snowboarding for a very long time. I'm no expert but I know well enough when I can push the limits and when not to. I'm a good enough snowboarder to make it down a mountain without falling and if you are pregnant and a beginner I recommend not going for the safety of your womb tenant. Also I will not be snowboarding In my last trimester! I am not big enough yet that my balance has gone out of whack and when/if it does I'll bench myself and wait until next year**
I'm excited that I get to feel Xander move a lot now! And I'm grateful he doesn't stop. He will be just like his mommy and daddy and have to go go go all the time! No slowing down for us! I am excited to watch my stomach/him grow. I have always been worried that I won't be "cute pregnant" and I would be "fat pregnant" but now that my tummy is starting to poke out and my hips are still there I feel better!
I'm excited for his name, Xander Lynn. Ryan and I had the names of our kids picked out long before we got married. Our boy names: Ryker and Xander. Our girl names: Oaklee and Ryley(Ry[an] +[Ash]ley). We decided Xander on this little man because it is what comes to my mind every time I think about him. It's the name that came out of our mouths when people ask us what we are naming him. He just feels like a Xander, and mom knows best!
I am excited to experience the hiccups and the under-the-rib-cage-pain. Him being so big that we are both ready for him to be out. And all the looks from people who say I'm "too young." I'm excited for waddling and squatting in funny ways to pick things up. I'm excited to be as big as a house and trying to drive when my tummy pokes out way too far!
I'm glad that I was healthy before I got pregnant and how it has helped me throughout pregnancy. Im excited to see how it helps down the road. I don't want to become the mom who can't take care of her kids because she can't take care of herself. I want to be the active and fun mom who has energy because she exercises and eats right! The second half of pregnancy is really the beginning of life! I'm excited to get started. And after all of that I'm going to kick my healthy habit for just a sec and go have a small slice of snickers cake in celebration of making it to the half way point!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Pregnancy #1
July came as quite the shocker. We had just found out that my "feelings" were correct. We were Pregnant... Again. If you have read or have talked to me you would know that we got pregnant earlier this year and that it ended in a miscarriage. This time though, it was for real. There is no backing out. We made the decision to keep it quiet until after our ultrasound.
However, we kept putting off that phone call to the doctor... I guess I was waiting for the pregnancy to go up in flames just like the last one, but when October came we decided it was time to call.. And there it was, our baby. Ultrasound and all. It wasn't going anywhere, our healthy young baby was having fun! We watched the ultrasound screen for an hour. Watching our creation move and kick, wave and spin. Wow. It IS real.
Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy, this is just my experience, it may be different for you, but I'd like to write things down so I can remember later. Beware, this blog will pretty much turn into my journal.
Today I am officially 18 weeks. So far pregnancy has been quite the adventure. Exciting, fun, and full of lies, yep, LIES!
Pregnancy symptom lies:
Tired? Oh no, more like can not keep your eyes open for two minutes! Exhaustion, like I ran a marathon yesterday and it finally hit me today. They say to take a nap when you can.. Well I don't have a job, so I went into hibernation. Yep, you read right! I didn't do ANYTHING for the first two months but sleep and puke.
Morning sickness, really isn't 'morning' sickness.. It is ALL day puking your guts out sickness. Loss of appetite and puking apparently aren't a great mix for pregnancy especially since you are supposed to gain weight, not lose it, but that's what I did. I lost and lost weight, still losing it actually. The doctor has explained that I need to start gaining weight. Apparently, a little weight loss in the first trimester is normal, the second trimester not so much. It is frowned upon! I've seemed to gain my appetite back but weight gain isn't coming easily. Every time I step on the scale I end up crying because another pound or two have withered away. I've lost 20lbs so far in this pregnancy. With my weight being healthy before I got pregnant I was scheduled to gain 35-40lbs during this pregnancy, so you can see why it's coming a stress to gain some weight.
Your skin will "glow." Ha. Ha. Ha. Are you kidding? Sure my skin is more pink, but the millions of zits are driving me insane! I thought I was over the teenage breakouts! Not starting them! And I've also seemed to have all of the veins in my body come to surface! Can you say awkward! My husband, the sweet man that he is, thought he would mention to me that the vein in my neck was pulsing. Ha. Awkward silence, and more tears. Yep. Another pregnancy lie.
You will be emotional. No one explains that you will become the wicked witch of moodiness! And that block between what you think and what you say is GONE! Your emotions run your life.. My poor husband, I get angry a lot or cry a lot. I can't control it. I got mad because he asked me if I was sure on a size of a sweater I wanted! I cry at commercials, not the commercials that depress most people, oh no. I cried at a Charmin commercial! You know the ones with toilet paper and the little bears? Tears. Bawling. Like someone just killed my dog. I cant even imagine watching the news! Emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to explain it!
Swollen and "tender" breasts. Nope not tender! They become a "look not touch, hug, or go near" object for the husband. Or bra. That's right, a bra? Forget it! Too tight, too painful. Your lucky if you can get a loose tshirt on without crying! Luckily that only lasted the second month.'
Backaches. I've been fairly lucky when it comes to backaches. It hasn't started to hurt until the past week or so and I can manage it with a Tylenol easily. But I imagine it will make a turn for the worse later in the pregnancy when my stomach turns into a watermelon or two. (:
Dizziness. My favorite subject. Luckily enough I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope when I was younger. For those of you who don't know what that is, it sums up to be my blood is dehydrated. So I have to Drink A TON of water so I don't pass out or become dizzy when I stand, walk or exercise. My water intake has to be twice what a person without this, then with pregnancy it has to double that. Yes. 128oz plus of water a day plus i have to drink more with activity just so I don't pass out. Pregnancy pumps more blood which makes my diagnoses become twice as bad. I've had some bad luck with passing out so far. I hit the floor hard a few weeks ago and ended up with three concussions. Yep, three! Wooooh. I have it under control for now, a few IVs and a 64oz cup is making life somewhat easier.
Round ligament pains. I'll explain this one because I had never heard it before until I got it. It's pretty much what it says, your ligaments and skin is stretching to make room for baby. Well the pain is like somebody stomped on your lower stomach/groin area with steel toe boots and twisted! Ouuucchh. Luckily I only notice them around bed time and during the night.
Now don't get me wrong, these are just a few Cons to the many Pros. Some days are better than others and now that I'm in my second trimester I've noticed my energy is back, I'm not sick, and breast pain has vanished. The other symptoms are manageable with an exception of a few bad days. I am enjoying pregnancy. I'm enjoying the experience and the fun trips to the doctor. I love going through the baby sections and seeing the fun things that will happen. I love reading up on the progress of my little one and how it is growing week by week.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor for a check up. We talked him into letting us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We went into the ultrasound for a "Checkup." To make sure our baby was growing and everything formed healthily. During that we got to see that we are having a BOY! Experiencing a little bit of pain and moodiness was worth just seeing our boy on that screen! Seeing my husbands eyes light up because he's going to have a little boy to take fishing and play ball with. Finally our "it" turned into a "he". And it all became that much more real.
However, we kept putting off that phone call to the doctor... I guess I was waiting for the pregnancy to go up in flames just like the last one, but when October came we decided it was time to call.. And there it was, our baby. Ultrasound and all. It wasn't going anywhere, our healthy young baby was having fun! We watched the ultrasound screen for an hour. Watching our creation move and kick, wave and spin. Wow. It IS real.
Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy, this is just my experience, it may be different for you, but I'd like to write things down so I can remember later. Beware, this blog will pretty much turn into my journal.
Today I am officially 18 weeks. So far pregnancy has been quite the adventure. Exciting, fun, and full of lies, yep, LIES!
Pregnancy symptom lies:
Tired? Oh no, more like can not keep your eyes open for two minutes! Exhaustion, like I ran a marathon yesterday and it finally hit me today. They say to take a nap when you can.. Well I don't have a job, so I went into hibernation. Yep, you read right! I didn't do ANYTHING for the first two months but sleep and puke.
Morning sickness, really isn't 'morning' sickness.. It is ALL day puking your guts out sickness. Loss of appetite and puking apparently aren't a great mix for pregnancy especially since you are supposed to gain weight, not lose it, but that's what I did. I lost and lost weight, still losing it actually. The doctor has explained that I need to start gaining weight. Apparently, a little weight loss in the first trimester is normal, the second trimester not so much. It is frowned upon! I've seemed to gain my appetite back but weight gain isn't coming easily. Every time I step on the scale I end up crying because another pound or two have withered away. I've lost 20lbs so far in this pregnancy. With my weight being healthy before I got pregnant I was scheduled to gain 35-40lbs during this pregnancy, so you can see why it's coming a stress to gain some weight.
Your skin will "glow." Ha. Ha. Ha. Are you kidding? Sure my skin is more pink, but the millions of zits are driving me insane! I thought I was over the teenage breakouts! Not starting them! And I've also seemed to have all of the veins in my body come to surface! Can you say awkward! My husband, the sweet man that he is, thought he would mention to me that the vein in my neck was pulsing. Ha. Awkward silence, and more tears. Yep. Another pregnancy lie.
You will be emotional. No one explains that you will become the wicked witch of moodiness! And that block between what you think and what you say is GONE! Your emotions run your life.. My poor husband, I get angry a lot or cry a lot. I can't control it. I got mad because he asked me if I was sure on a size of a sweater I wanted! I cry at commercials, not the commercials that depress most people, oh no. I cried at a Charmin commercial! You know the ones with toilet paper and the little bears? Tears. Bawling. Like someone just killed my dog. I cant even imagine watching the news! Emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to explain it!
Swollen and "tender" breasts. Nope not tender! They become a "look not touch, hug, or go near" object for the husband. Or bra. That's right, a bra? Forget it! Too tight, too painful. Your lucky if you can get a loose tshirt on without crying! Luckily that only lasted the second month.'
Backaches. I've been fairly lucky when it comes to backaches. It hasn't started to hurt until the past week or so and I can manage it with a Tylenol easily. But I imagine it will make a turn for the worse later in the pregnancy when my stomach turns into a watermelon or two. (:
Dizziness. My favorite subject. Luckily enough I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope when I was younger. For those of you who don't know what that is, it sums up to be my blood is dehydrated. So I have to Drink A TON of water so I don't pass out or become dizzy when I stand, walk or exercise. My water intake has to be twice what a person without this, then with pregnancy it has to double that. Yes. 128oz plus of water a day plus i have to drink more with activity just so I don't pass out. Pregnancy pumps more blood which makes my diagnoses become twice as bad. I've had some bad luck with passing out so far. I hit the floor hard a few weeks ago and ended up with three concussions. Yep, three! Wooooh. I have it under control for now, a few IVs and a 64oz cup is making life somewhat easier.
Round ligament pains. I'll explain this one because I had never heard it before until I got it. It's pretty much what it says, your ligaments and skin is stretching to make room for baby. Well the pain is like somebody stomped on your lower stomach/groin area with steel toe boots and twisted! Ouuucchh. Luckily I only notice them around bed time and during the night.
Now don't get me wrong, these are just a few Cons to the many Pros. Some days are better than others and now that I'm in my second trimester I've noticed my energy is back, I'm not sick, and breast pain has vanished. The other symptoms are manageable with an exception of a few bad days. I am enjoying pregnancy. I'm enjoying the experience and the fun trips to the doctor. I love going through the baby sections and seeing the fun things that will happen. I love reading up on the progress of my little one and how it is growing week by week.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor for a check up. We talked him into letting us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We went into the ultrasound for a "Checkup." To make sure our baby was growing and everything formed healthily. During that we got to see that we are having a BOY! Experiencing a little bit of pain and moodiness was worth just seeing our boy on that screen! Seeing my husbands eyes light up because he's going to have a little boy to take fishing and play ball with. Finally our "it" turned into a "he". And it all became that much more real.
first baby,
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