The month of MAY went like this...
We chilled at home feeling a lot like this
and looking a little bit like this..
And watched Haiden try to rip off his daddy's head
And we tried to blind X with the sun
and tickle him until his head almost popped off
We went to church..
And watched Ry give X his blessing
Then watched Ry and X fall into a food coma ;)
I watched Flowers bloom
and we all watched a couple movies...
So we learned to put him in pants and onesies that he can't get off ;)
We got my ring cleaned
and bought a luvsac..
then put it outside for an afternoon nap...
We babysat this cute little guy...
and there was a lot of
he doesn't want his bottle Haiden...
And that's when X started to look a little like this...
And Haiden was like...WHAAAA?
We went to City Creek Mall where we bought X a swim suite
And where Ry bought me some LUSH bath bombs!
And I bought Ry some Red Iguana
I was forced to drink lots of water...To try to flush out a kidney stone
that is STILL in my body :(
So to make up for it I ate a lot of this..
and that made me feel a little bit like this...
So after a few bike rides...
And one of these...
I started to feel a little like this.
and we had a cook out with my family...
Where Ry had one too many s'mores.
We made a couple new friends...
And played with a couple of old ones.
X started to show us his smile
And Bailey let me do her hair.
We chilled outside a lot..
And let Bay mow our lawn (:
We took X to his 2 month Doctor appointment..
and a Family reunion.
And after ALL of that we ended up looking a lot like this.
Xander Lynn is
10lbs 1.5Oz
23 Inches long
and growing way too fast!
We can't wait to see what the next month brings!