2 Years Ago(well one day early) I married this man..
Guys...I am uncontrollably, out of control, crazy, madly in love with this man...still. Yes 2 years after we have said our "I dos and I love yous" I still cant get enough of him. I still try to spend every waking second in his company, but work makes that a little hard. Don't worry though, I've thought of millions of different ways for him to sneak me into his work so that we can spend that time together too! Head over heels? I'd say. But, when you find a man as good as this, who wouldn't be? He cooks, cleans, works 12 hour shifts, loves my cooking, gives incredible back rubs, is an amazing father, supporter, and priesthood holder. He lets me take bubble baths, have some time to myself, and takes me on dates. He has made me a better person. He knows my tickle spots and uses them to his advantage daily. He makes time to be a supporter, a father and still makes time to be my husband. This man makes me laugh uncontrollably, at any given time..even when it is highly inappropriate. He knows everything about me and he STILL loves me. I am way excited to spend the rest of my eternity with this man by my side. (: