Being so sick and down in the dumps has made me feel
incredibly lucky and blessed.
I'm blessed by the men in my life.
I've watched more-than-a-few girls go through bad relationships
with men- I've been one of those girls, believe me.
I could probably top a few lists with the jerks I've dated.
But, I have always had
these guys(not pictured- Grandpa Gene(RIP), Grandpa Owen, my Uncles, and my brothers.)---->
<---To keep me in line.
That might sound a little funny to you.
Some of you might be thinking,
they're the strict men who sit out on the front porch
with a shotgun ready to kill any jerk who hurt me,
but Guess what- they're not.
I mean, I'm sure they would be if they
had even met half of the guys I dated, but they didn't.
No, these guys kept me in line by being amazing men that I look up to.
That I respect, and that I love.
I wanted to make them proud
and find a man just as amazing as them.
Then have a son to raise to be like them.
Because of that, these men,
are the reason most of my relationships ended in failure.
These men, are the reason half of the guys I dated didn't make it past two dates.
Every time that I went on a date, at the end of it I would ask myself, "would I be okay with my dad or my grandfathers meeting him?"
If it was a no, there wasn't another date.
If it was a maybe, there would probably be a second date, but wouldn't go past that.
If it was a yes, then it would last for awhile....and then end in a complete mess.
Except for one particular man,
This guy!---->
As most all of you know I met Ryan when I was 15,
11 months before he left on a Mission to Brazil for our church.
We dated, we got to know each other, we fell in love.
Then he broke up with me, he told me to 'date other guys' and 'enjoy high school'.
I never cried, however. I was upset, I wanted my life to end
just like any normal break-up would be but the tears would
never come.
Now I think it was because I knew deep down we were going
to end up together.
I knew he was the man for me,
and I knew I wanted to be the woman for him.
Two and a half years later we were dating again. (yep, we didn't get back together
the second he came home- I had to play hard to get at some point ;) )
7 months later we were married.
A year (and a month) later we got this--->
we met this cute little boy --->

Now, it has been 10 months and almost 5 days of having a rapid growing baby.
And the little guy, who we fell so madly in love with, now looks like this--->
Scary, right.
My baby boy has been one of the most amazing adventures
I have ever been blessed with.
Before I gave birth to Xander, I knew just how many kids I was
going to have. I knew there names- Xander, Ryley, Ryker, Oaklee, and
that I would have boy, girl, boy, girl.
I knew I wouldn't have a baby until 5 years after Ryan and I got married.
Little did we know that there was a different plans for us.
Now, I am blessed to know that plans don't always happen the way you expect.
That four kids might not work out, but one healthy boy is an amazing blessing.
I know that after all of the hard times,
the illnesses, the 'down' days, the exciting days,
the completely perfect days, the fun days,
the unbelievably horrible days, that I am blessed.
I am blessed to be alive.
To be as healthy as I am- I know I could have it so much worse.
I am blessed to have amazing men in my life.
To be able to get the chance to raise a son.
To have a great family who will always have each others backs.
To be so close to everyone in my family, and my husbands family.
To be married into a loving and amazing family.
I am blessed to get to spend every day at home taking care of
these two guys --->
So, to the men in my life, thank you.
Thank you for allowing me to be blessed,
to be loved, and to be happy.
Thank you for helping me see who was right,
and who was not-so-right.
Thank you for always having my back.
Thank you for taking care of the women in your lives,
for loving them in just-the-perfect ways to show me
what LOVE is all about.
Thank you for teaching me and helping me grow.
Thank you for being incredible examples of what
I want my son to be like.
Thank you for being the men in my life.
I cannot begin to tell you all how much I love
each and every one of you.