- He loves MY singing.(crazy) He will stop doing whatever he is doing when I start singing and he will dance, just for me.
- His first word was Daadaa, then Bahhht(bath), and Duhhht(duck)
- If we leave the bathroom door open, that is where we will find him. He will either be playing on the floor with his out-of-control duck collection or he will climb into the bath and yell 'bahhht, bahhht, bahhht'.
- He loves Ryan's bearded dragon, Rex. Throughout the day, Xander will crawl into the front room, from whichever room he is playing in, tap Rex's glass and stare at him for a few minutes then go back to whichever room he was in and resume playing.
- He LOVES music. When we are in the car and music isn't playing he will do a high pitched scream until we turn on the music. When we are at home and the stereo is on he will turn up the volume and stand up and dance. If a song he doesn't like comes on he will hit all of the buttons until he changes the song.
- He will watch any cartoon you put on, for hours. I never wanted to be one of those moms who lets TV babysit, but when I'm sick, My life saver is putting on The Lorax and sitting on the couch and watching it with him.
- He sleeps in the most outrageous positions They never look comfortable.
- He also can't sleep under a blanket, he has to sleep on top of it and on his stomach. Most of the time his butt is in the air.
- When we go outside and it's cold he will say "burr, burr, burr" until we get him into the car, or building.
- He has THE WORST gag reflex. If you put something in his mouth that he doesn't like he will gag until he throws up so we have to be EXTRA careful about what we give him when we go out to eat!
- He can not sit in a grocery store cart normally...EVER! He always pulls one leg up out and turns facing forward while his other leg and butt hangs out of that leg hole!
- He loves walking, even though he cant walk on his own just yet. If he can hold our hands he will walk everywhere.
- When he is excited about something he shakes his legs!
- He has only been sick twice. Once on his first trip to Texas :( and once with an ear infection.
- His bed time is at 8p and he has been sleeping from 8p and waking up at 7a-9a every night since he was born! The first month he was home we would have to wake up to an alarm during the night to feed him.
- He loves fruits and vegetables! He especially loves lemons!
- He is so so talkative! He loves to talk, and if you're not listening to him he will grab your cheeks and force you to stare at him while he is talking.
- He learned how to climb out of his crib. Scariest moment in my life when I walked into his room to see his leg and half his body heading over the edge of his crib!
We get asked, HOW we get him to behave so well! It scares me that people think we "train him" (for lack of better word) . We don't punish him, we don't yell or put him on time out. He is -on his own-a well behaved, good listening, happy baby.
Xander has been such an amazing blessing to our family and so much fun to watch how fast he learns and grows! Next month he will be 1! We are so so excited to celebrate his first birthday with him!