**This will probably be the worst post you will ever read from me! so feel free to skip ahead to the pictures of my cute little stink bug!**
So we have been having a crazy time trying to figure out what is going on with me. Last week I ended up in the Preston Hospital, puking and white as a ghost with a lot of pain in my left kidney. I knew it was another kidney stone, I've had them before so I was really just going to the hospital for some pain relief and fluids because I felt horribly dehydrated from puking so much and I was to the point where nothing but green gunk was coming out! After sitting in the hospital for two hours, the doctor came in and got tests ordered, two hours later he came back and said, "There is nothing wrong with you. You shouldn't be in pain, just go home you are fine." The next day, guess what happened! I passed THREE kidney stones, all good size! The next day I passed more! I have never in my life been so irritated!! This was also the guy that told me that there was nothing wrong with my appendix...yep, there was and after he took my appendix out I said I would never go to him again! Which is why I hate Preston hospitals new rule of not being able to tell you which doctor is on call! I know it's for safety reasons, but still! That was a waste of day!
Trying to get everything figured out has been, honestly, really upsetting. The doctors also know that I have a stomach inflammation, but they don't know why. So really i'm just kind of a ticking time bomb, waiting for more bad news.
On the other hand...I've been told a few times that Ryan and I have the perfect relationship/marriage. I was told just a few days ago that we have a very strong marriage. I do believe we have a strong marriage and that it's going to last for eternity, but I also don't think people realize that Ryan and I do have our rough days.
Ryan makes every day worth living for, and he makes me so happy, but he can also completely ruin a day. You see, we might have a strong marriage but that doesn't mean we NEVER fight, or argue. In fact, we argue about some outrageous thing! We have only been in one BIG fight. That just so happened to happen last week! It was the first fight that scared me to think Ryan was going to hate me, but even when I thought he was going to hate me I didn't think that we were going to get a divorce. I've never thought about leaving Ryan or Ryan leaving me. Yes, I've wanted to kill him multiple times, but leaving him would be absolutely CRAZY and I'm talking gone off the deep end, end up in a mental hospital, CRAZY! I tried to not talk to Ryan once, guess how long it lasted... not even 15 minutes... yep, not even 15 minutes before I broke down and ended up running into his arms and telling him I was sorry and that I loved him! Now could you imagine me LEAVING HIM!? ha.
Ryan keeps me in line, and sometimes lets me get a little out-of-line. He knows everything and more about me! Seriously, ask him what day my period starts, he will tell you. Ask him what day I ovulate, he will tell you. Ask him anything completely odd and I could bet you money he'd have the answer. Ryan has seen me at my complete worst, he has seen me at my best and he still loves everything about me(or at least that's what he says ;) haha) So yes, I believe we do have a strong marriage. I believe that we will be one of the very very few couples who last a lifetime. I know that we haven't been married all that long, but I'm in love with him more today than I was on the day that I said, "I do" and I think that means a lot, especially with all of the trial we have gone through already. So to anyone who looks up to our marriage, I say Thank You. I'm glad that you see our marriage as "perfect," it is definitely far from that, but it is perfect to us and that's all that counts. I look forward to the many many more trials we get put through, as long as we are together we can survive anything.
I would also just like to point out that last year, at this time, this is what I looked like. I was fat, and huge, and ornery all the time. I had a baby boy who was trying to make his way out into the world WAY TOO EARLY, and had to get a shot to stop the labor almost on a daily bases! Xander was "due" in April on the 23rd! He ended up coming on March 24th! He is SO CLOSE TO BEING ONE!! ahhh, scary.
Thursday we ended up going down to McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden where Xander decided looking out the window was his favorite thing to do! He waved to all the people and screamed at the cars! .JPG)
So this isn't one of the best pictures, but it's probably one of the cutest upset faces I've seen him do in a long time! He had just been told "NO" for trying to grab dads glasses and he looked at me like this! haha
I don't do Xander's hair very often, because most of the time it sticks straight up on it's own. This day however I had decided to put some gel in it so it would stay that way and we ended up getting SO MANY COMPLIMENTS on his hair!
And just because he is always so so happy in the bathtub I had to post a picture! He is always happy but he never holds still long enough for me to get a picture! It only took ten tries to get this picture!!