Thursday, December 12, 2013

I showed this picture to Ryan and he said, "cute, whose baby?"
It's our baby...the day after he was born! That cute baby, now looks like this. 
In just a few months Xander will be 2 years old! I know it's been a LONG time since I've
posted but I think it's about time to do another- all about Xander, post. 

  • Xanders favorite word is mom. It's the only word he will repeat, over and over and over again. 
  • He speaks in sentences and he knows what he wants, but he wont say the same sentence more than once in a row. 
  • He  LOVES food! Everything! shrimp, salsa, hot wings, jalapeno chips, fruits, veggies, etc! But if you give him something he doesn't like, or doesn't even want to try(sour gummy worms!) he will gag and gag until you take it away. He wont even look at it without gagging. 
  • Xander sleeps in his "big boy" bed. he's been doing it for awhile and he never gets out of bed until morning. He sleeps 12+ hours a night and it scares me for when he gets to the school age because he never wakes up before 10am
  • When we say, "bedtime" he will start waving bye and blowing kisses then go down the stairs himself and climb in to bed! It is never a fight! He LOVES his sleep
  • He sets his own schedule, every night when he starts getting tired and he knows it will be bedtime soon, he grabs our hand and walks us into the bathroom to take his bath. 
  • He is one of the happiest kids I know, but he knows what he wants and if you don't let him he does a HIGH pitch scream until you give it to him.
  • He is the most independent toddler. He goes down stairs and plays in his room by himself for hours, he drinks out of big boy cups, and has to feed himself and If you try to help he wont eat. 
  • He's left handed. He eats using his left hand and he is the cleanest toddler I know when he eats! But if you switch him to his right hand he makes the biggest mess trying to get food in his mouth! 
  • He loves being outside! No matter how cold it is, he wants to go outside. 
  • He loves to clean. He would be completely happy if you handed him a broom or a mop and you told him to clean the floor. He loves to wipe up drinks when he spills, sometimes he will tip his cup over on purpose just so you can hand him the paper towel and tell him to wipe it up. He loves when you hand him a napkin and say, "wipe your face" 
  • He is so good at listening. Go to bed, take this to the garbage, pick up your toys, etc. has always been a cake walk with him! 
  • He dances so good! and he loves to dance all the time. It is the cutest thing we have ever seen!