Best Day Of My Life.
If I was Five the best day of my life would be when I got a new toy.
If I was Eight the best day of my life would be the day I got to hang out with my dad.
If I was Ten the best day of my life was when my mom said she was proud of me because I landed that gymnastic move.
If I was thirteen the best day of my life was when my mom finally allowed me to shop.
If I was fifteen, the best day of my life was when I got a boyfriend.
If I was seventeen, the best day of my life was when I didn't have curfew anymore.
If I was eighteen, the best day of my life was meeting my best friend.
If I was nineteen, the best day of my life was when I got to marry my best friend.
The point is that when you have the best day of your life, it wont last very long. Next week the best day of my life is going to be moving into my own house. Last week it was I got a puppy. My life changes super fast, and the best day of my life kinda changes with how I'm feeling. I have had the best lifetime ever. I've lived, loved, heart, and I've grown, but, If I HAD TO choose... The ALL time BEST day of my life was the day after my wedding.
Everybody probably just thought something dirty or said huh? So let me explain. A lot of girls say that the best day of there life was there wedding, when they married the man of there dreams, but really... was it? Just because you got to kiss your new husband under the alter you can't say that was the most stressful annoying day of your life. Everything had to be perfect and now you look back and say why? The reason the best day of my life was the day after my wedding is because I woke up that morning looking at my best friend and my lifetime companion. I got to go on an adventure with my best friend. I got to spend the whole day with him with no worries and at the end of the day I finally realized that he's not leaving. He's with me forever and that is why that day was the best day of my life. No stress, No tears... just happiness and love. (:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Well then.
So as you can tell the '30 day blogger challenge' went down the drain. Oh well, the problem with doing one of those is you have to have time!! Which, I don't really. haha. So I'm not going to be able to do a blog update EACH day, but i'll still do them in order! sound good? alright..... let's go.
Five Favorite Songs.
ONE. White Houses- Vanessa Carlton
TWO. Don't Dance- 3OH!3
THREE. Far Away- Nickelback.
FOUR. Think Twice- Eve 6
FIVE. Happily Ever After- He Is We.
I have a very wide range of music, I love everything and anything && most of all I have like 15 playlists all with different songs.
Slow it down
Windows down
ect, ect, ect.
So if you want some good songs just talk to me haha (:
peace. Ash.
Five Favorite Songs.
ONE. White Houses- Vanessa Carlton
TWO. Don't Dance- 3OH!3
THREE. Far Away- Nickelback.
FOUR. Think Twice- Eve 6
FIVE. Happily Ever After- He Is We.
I have a very wide range of music, I love everything and anything && most of all I have like 15 playlists all with different songs.
Slow it down
Windows down
ect, ect, ect.
So if you want some good songs just talk to me haha (:
peace. Ash.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Day 4 catch up day.
Ten Places you want to visit.
Honestly, this is a retarded question. You see, ever since I was younger I told myself, and everybody else that I was going to travel the world. I was going to visit every country, every continent, every state && every person! Well, every person might be pushing it I'd say, but I am still determined to travel to other countries to spend months out of the US visiting other and observing the culture other people have.
So ten places, is impossible when I want to travel to a million places (:
Honestly, this is a retarded question. You see, ever since I was younger I told myself, and everybody else that I was going to travel the world. I was going to visit every country, every continent, every state && every person! Well, every person might be pushing it I'd say, but I am still determined to travel to other countries to spend months out of the US visiting other and observing the culture other people have.
So ten places, is impossible when I want to travel to a million places (:
gotta play catch up...been busy (:
Day 3 challenge; Hometown Location and facts.
Hometown location: Dayton, Idaho.
Fact: Full of drama.
Fact: about 400 people.
Fact: Small.
Fact: Farm town.
Fact: I don't live their anymore.
Pretty much it's a small town. Everybody knows everybody, and everything they do. Keeping a secret is one of the hardest most impossible things to do, and there is more drama than ever! But it's the country, so I love it... Every part of it. I love growing up there, I love going back there, and I love being able to say I've got out of there (: one day I'll probably go back for good though... we'll see how life turns out (:
Hometown location: Dayton, Idaho.
Fact: Full of drama.
Fact: about 400 people.
Fact: Small.
Fact: Farm town.
Fact: I don't live their anymore.
Pretty much it's a small town. Everybody knows everybody, and everything they do. Keeping a secret is one of the hardest most impossible things to do, and there is more drama than ever! But it's the country, so I love it... Every part of it. I love growing up there, I love going back there, and I love being able to say I've got out of there (: one day I'll probably go back for good though... we'll see how life turns out (:
Friday, November 5, 2010
Live Like We're Dying...
" Draw a Line.
&& Live above it."
Why do people try to be someone they're not? Why is there jealousy? Why are you trying to be me and when you can't you're trying to destroy me? Here's what I think;
Okay... so I should probably explain... right? (I'm gonna use me for an example... not because I'm conceited. I'm doing it just because it's easier to talk about it from this point of view and you probably have the same problem.)
I watch people try to be like me. They try to wear there make up like me. Dress like me. Act like me. I feel like they're trying to follow in my footsteps and become JUST LIKE ME! Which isn't that big of a deal, but the truth is, you really can't live up to it. Every person is different and that's how it should be. You don't know what I go through, what my every thoughts are... and honestly I'm probably the most unpredictable woman in this world(or that's how I feel anyway.) So why do you keep trying? I believe it's a thing called jealousy... maybe I'm just fooling myself but that's what I believe it is.
Jealousy can be a hard thing to deal with. Her hair is long... I want that. That truck is sexy... why can't I have that? etc. etc. Every day is a constant battle, but I'll give you a couple tips(this is how I deal.)
- One day I'll have my own.
- Count your blessings.
- that's not you.
My Junior year in high school was when I really started listening to myself and not others. (I'd like to point this out because High school is critical to anyone going through that!) I started to LIVE and not just go out and do stuff. I really went all out. My life was a straight out party. Going out, living life, dating, doing what I WANTED to do, and I don't regret a single minute of it. However, some people thought of me as a "slut" "rebellious" "bitchy" "hater" when the truth is.. these people didn't even know me and never tried to know me. Just because I was in my own little world doesn't mean I hate everybody or wont talk to anybody! I just liked being by myself, hanging out with other people... not the ones I've been going to school with since kindergarten. Not that they weren't the coolest people...ever... I just wanted something new, something different, something exciting and fun. And believe me... I got plenty of that.
I was rebellious in a state... but I never did drugs, drank, or stayed out Way to late. I lived, I learned, I grew... but I'm still growing. I'm still learning. AND I'M STILL LIVING!
I still do what I want, when I want. I do what I feel like doing, and I change almost everday. So why can't we all just live, learn, and grow? Why do we have to be like someone we're not? We are all beautiful in our own way so why do you have to be like me? I believe people who try to tear someone down or be someone they're not are some of the most ugliest, cruelest people in the world. And we all have to judge to some point... but why do we have to be mean about it? Rudeness is ugly. Kindness is beauty. And life is one big joy ride... so, no regrets, no pretending to be someone you're not, and just live, love, and be happy.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 2... challenge. (:
Day 2- How you got your Blog Name....
well... here is the "story." I started my blog without a name... I pondered about how great a name could be, and what it would mean especially on a blog where I write all my feelings, thoughts, etc. but the problem with that is... it's a name that people will either remember or make fun of you for. Like kids... you can't name your kids something that will make them not have friends... they'll grow up hating there name, hating you and hating life because they get made fun of. So you see, a name has a lot of importance. I sat and pondered for hours... hours became days... days became months and so on. Therefor I have no blog name. && I kind of like it that way.
Our blog is open, it doesn't need a name because it really has no meaning. A blog is full of thoughts... like a journal. A journal is person, just for you to write and to read... but most important a journal can be anything you want it to be. It has no "name" it's open and it's what you make it. It can be anything it wants to be with no name, and we're prepared to keep it that way. With no name you can be whoever you want, so can my blog. (:
well... here is the "story." I started my blog without a name... I pondered about how great a name could be, and what it would mean especially on a blog where I write all my feelings, thoughts, etc. but the problem with that is... it's a name that people will either remember or make fun of you for. Like kids... you can't name your kids something that will make them not have friends... they'll grow up hating there name, hating you and hating life because they get made fun of. So you see, a name has a lot of importance. I sat and pondered for hours... hours became days... days became months and so on. Therefor I have no blog name. && I kind of like it that way.
Our blog is open, it doesn't need a name because it really has no meaning. A blog is full of thoughts... like a journal. A journal is person, just for you to write and to read... but most important a journal can be anything you want it to be. It has no "name" it's open and it's what you make it. It can be anything it wants to be with no name, and we're prepared to keep it that way. With no name you can be whoever you want, so can my blog. (:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tumblr 30 day challenge. wooohoo.
Alright so lately I haven't been writing on this as much as I thought I would. Probably because I've been busy but mostly because I don't know what to write about. So I've found this "blog challenge" ... so here we go.
Day 1- Photo of you and ten facts.

Day 1- Photo of you and ten facts.

- I love weird movies! What's a weird movie you ask? Alice in wonderland(the new one.) Inception. Legends of the Guardians. ect. Movies that are impossible but make perfect sense to me!
- I love long sleeve shirts! They make me feel like it's about to snow outside, I would wear them year long if i could.
- I can't stand talking on the phone. Texting, email, mail is an incredible invention! My life would suck without it!
- Snowboarding is a huge part in my life (: I love it and would do anything to be on the mountain with my board!
- When I was younger every winter I would fall on my face and have a huge scratch, lets just say they left some great scars (:
- Marriage is the most amazing thing ever! I used to be scared to death of marriage and being with the same person for the rest of my life! But honestly, being with my best friend for the rest of my life is an amazing feeling!
- I always need noise in the background! Music playing, tv on, husband talking... I can't stand quiet! It drives me absolutely crazy!
- I've always wanted a huge truck! every since I was little. I want to be the biggest baddest thing on the road.
- When I grow up I want a motorcycle! I'm gonna become a motorcycle chick one day!
- I love kids && one day i'll have a couple of my own! There small minds and there ability to point out things that most people don't notice are amazing :D
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