20 weeks pregnant. How exciting! I am more excited for my second half of pregnancy. Let me tell you why.
Ever since I've "grown up" I've been taking a lot better care of myself. In high school, I would have a cookie and a diet coke for lunch, most of the time that was all I ate all day. I didn't care about my health. Exercising was putting in 30hours a week at Pizza Villa/ Big Js after school and working my butt off for people I don't like. After I graduated my attitude for life and my health changed. I worked hard and ate healthy and only when I was hungry, I also started to drink a lot of water. Soon my weight dropped, my attitude was better, and I loved life. After Ryan and I got married we would go on walks, go hiking, biking, snowboarding, and running. He makes me want to be a better, healthier person. When we started to talk about starting a family life got really exciting. I knew it was time to really start taking care of myself but I wasn't sure where to start.
This pregnancy started with the feeling I was pregnant. I know my body very well so I started noticing changes before most people probably would. I noticed fatigue and mood changes, my breasts were tender and all-of-a-sudden huge, that wasn't normal. I took an early pregnancy test, the one where you can know a week before your missed period. It came back positive and I didn't have to take another one because I KNEW it was right. At that moment I took initiative, I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks and doubled water intake. If we went out for food I tried to eat healthy, wheat bun, grilled chicken, lots and lots of salad and fruit!
My first half of pregnancy took a tole on me physically. Running, exercise, eating wasn't an option because I could barely get away from the toilet. Dehydration, exhaustion, and just feeling crummy has now withered away into a dark hole and I'm excited to get healthy again and enjoy pregnancy!
I've talked Ryan into buying us a membership to Planet Fitness, it is an hour drive there but I think worth it since the gym in town costs a fortune and is poorly taken care of! Plus his work pays for our membership anyways. I will also be enjoying snowboarding. **note, I have been skiing/snowboarding for a very long time. I'm no expert but I know well enough when I can push the limits and when not to. I'm a good enough snowboarder to make it down a mountain without falling and if you are pregnant and a beginner I recommend not going for the safety of your womb tenant. Also I will not be snowboarding In my last trimester! I am not big enough yet that my balance has gone out of whack and when/if it does I'll bench myself and wait until next year**
I'm excited that I get to feel Xander move a lot now! And I'm grateful he doesn't stop. He will be just like his mommy and daddy and have to go go go all the time! No slowing down for us! I am excited to watch my stomach/him grow. I have always been worried that I won't be "cute pregnant" and I would be "fat pregnant" but now that my tummy is starting to poke out and my hips are still there I feel better!
I'm excited for his name, Xander Lynn. Ryan and I had the names of our kids picked out long before we got married. Our boy names: Ryker and Xander. Our girl names: Oaklee and Ryley(Ry[an] +[Ash]ley). We decided Xander on this little man because it is what comes to my mind every time I think about him. It's the name that came out of our mouths when people ask us what we are naming him. He just feels like a Xander, and mom knows best!
I am excited to experience the hiccups and the under-the-rib-cage-pain. Him being so big that we are both ready for him to be out. And all the looks from people who say I'm "too young." I'm excited for waddling and squatting in funny ways to pick things up. I'm excited to be as big as a house and trying to drive when my tummy pokes out way too far!
I'm glad that I was healthy before I got pregnant and how it has helped me throughout pregnancy. Im excited to see how it helps down the road. I don't want to become the mom who can't take care of her kids because she can't take care of herself. I want to be the active and fun mom who has energy because she exercises and eats right! The second half of pregnancy is really the beginning of life! I'm excited to get started. And after all of that I'm going to kick my healthy habit for just a sec and go have a small slice of snickers cake in celebration of making it to the half way point!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Pregnancy #1
July came as quite the shocker. We had just found out that my "feelings" were correct. We were Pregnant... Again. If you have read or have talked to me you would know that we got pregnant earlier this year and that it ended in a miscarriage. This time though, it was for real. There is no backing out. We made the decision to keep it quiet until after our ultrasound.
However, we kept putting off that phone call to the doctor... I guess I was waiting for the pregnancy to go up in flames just like the last one, but when October came we decided it was time to call.. And there it was, our baby. Ultrasound and all. It wasn't going anywhere, our healthy young baby was having fun! We watched the ultrasound screen for an hour. Watching our creation move and kick, wave and spin. Wow. It IS real.
Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy, this is just my experience, it may be different for you, but I'd like to write things down so I can remember later. Beware, this blog will pretty much turn into my journal.
Today I am officially 18 weeks. So far pregnancy has been quite the adventure. Exciting, fun, and full of lies, yep, LIES!
Pregnancy symptom lies:
Tired? Oh no, more like can not keep your eyes open for two minutes! Exhaustion, like I ran a marathon yesterday and it finally hit me today. They say to take a nap when you can.. Well I don't have a job, so I went into hibernation. Yep, you read right! I didn't do ANYTHING for the first two months but sleep and puke.
Morning sickness, really isn't 'morning' sickness.. It is ALL day puking your guts out sickness. Loss of appetite and puking apparently aren't a great mix for pregnancy especially since you are supposed to gain weight, not lose it, but that's what I did. I lost and lost weight, still losing it actually. The doctor has explained that I need to start gaining weight. Apparently, a little weight loss in the first trimester is normal, the second trimester not so much. It is frowned upon! I've seemed to gain my appetite back but weight gain isn't coming easily. Every time I step on the scale I end up crying because another pound or two have withered away. I've lost 20lbs so far in this pregnancy. With my weight being healthy before I got pregnant I was scheduled to gain 35-40lbs during this pregnancy, so you can see why it's coming a stress to gain some weight.
Your skin will "glow." Ha. Ha. Ha. Are you kidding? Sure my skin is more pink, but the millions of zits are driving me insane! I thought I was over the teenage breakouts! Not starting them! And I've also seemed to have all of the veins in my body come to surface! Can you say awkward! My husband, the sweet man that he is, thought he would mention to me that the vein in my neck was pulsing. Ha. Awkward silence, and more tears. Yep. Another pregnancy lie.
You will be emotional. No one explains that you will become the wicked witch of moodiness! And that block between what you think and what you say is GONE! Your emotions run your life.. My poor husband, I get angry a lot or cry a lot. I can't control it. I got mad because he asked me if I was sure on a size of a sweater I wanted! I cry at commercials, not the commercials that depress most people, oh no. I cried at a Charmin commercial! You know the ones with toilet paper and the little bears? Tears. Bawling. Like someone just killed my dog. I cant even imagine watching the news! Emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to explain it!
Swollen and "tender" breasts. Nope not tender! They become a "look not touch, hug, or go near" object for the husband. Or bra. That's right, a bra? Forget it! Too tight, too painful. Your lucky if you can get a loose tshirt on without crying! Luckily that only lasted the second month.'
Backaches. I've been fairly lucky when it comes to backaches. It hasn't started to hurt until the past week or so and I can manage it with a Tylenol easily. But I imagine it will make a turn for the worse later in the pregnancy when my stomach turns into a watermelon or two. (:
Dizziness. My favorite subject. Luckily enough I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope when I was younger. For those of you who don't know what that is, it sums up to be my blood is dehydrated. So I have to Drink A TON of water so I don't pass out or become dizzy when I stand, walk or exercise. My water intake has to be twice what a person without this, then with pregnancy it has to double that. Yes. 128oz plus of water a day plus i have to drink more with activity just so I don't pass out. Pregnancy pumps more blood which makes my diagnoses become twice as bad. I've had some bad luck with passing out so far. I hit the floor hard a few weeks ago and ended up with three concussions. Yep, three! Wooooh. I have it under control for now, a few IVs and a 64oz cup is making life somewhat easier.
Round ligament pains. I'll explain this one because I had never heard it before until I got it. It's pretty much what it says, your ligaments and skin is stretching to make room for baby. Well the pain is like somebody stomped on your lower stomach/groin area with steel toe boots and twisted! Ouuucchh. Luckily I only notice them around bed time and during the night.
Now don't get me wrong, these are just a few Cons to the many Pros. Some days are better than others and now that I'm in my second trimester I've noticed my energy is back, I'm not sick, and breast pain has vanished. The other symptoms are manageable with an exception of a few bad days. I am enjoying pregnancy. I'm enjoying the experience and the fun trips to the doctor. I love going through the baby sections and seeing the fun things that will happen. I love reading up on the progress of my little one and how it is growing week by week.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor for a check up. We talked him into letting us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We went into the ultrasound for a "Checkup." To make sure our baby was growing and everything formed healthily. During that we got to see that we are having a BOY! Experiencing a little bit of pain and moodiness was worth just seeing our boy on that screen! Seeing my husbands eyes light up because he's going to have a little boy to take fishing and play ball with. Finally our "it" turned into a "he". And it all became that much more real.
However, we kept putting off that phone call to the doctor... I guess I was waiting for the pregnancy to go up in flames just like the last one, but when October came we decided it was time to call.. And there it was, our baby. Ultrasound and all. It wasn't going anywhere, our healthy young baby was having fun! We watched the ultrasound screen for an hour. Watching our creation move and kick, wave and spin. Wow. It IS real.
Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy, this is just my experience, it may be different for you, but I'd like to write things down so I can remember later. Beware, this blog will pretty much turn into my journal.
Today I am officially 18 weeks. So far pregnancy has been quite the adventure. Exciting, fun, and full of lies, yep, LIES!
Pregnancy symptom lies:
Tired? Oh no, more like can not keep your eyes open for two minutes! Exhaustion, like I ran a marathon yesterday and it finally hit me today. They say to take a nap when you can.. Well I don't have a job, so I went into hibernation. Yep, you read right! I didn't do ANYTHING for the first two months but sleep and puke.
Morning sickness, really isn't 'morning' sickness.. It is ALL day puking your guts out sickness. Loss of appetite and puking apparently aren't a great mix for pregnancy especially since you are supposed to gain weight, not lose it, but that's what I did. I lost and lost weight, still losing it actually. The doctor has explained that I need to start gaining weight. Apparently, a little weight loss in the first trimester is normal, the second trimester not so much. It is frowned upon! I've seemed to gain my appetite back but weight gain isn't coming easily. Every time I step on the scale I end up crying because another pound or two have withered away. I've lost 20lbs so far in this pregnancy. With my weight being healthy before I got pregnant I was scheduled to gain 35-40lbs during this pregnancy, so you can see why it's coming a stress to gain some weight.
Your skin will "glow." Ha. Ha. Ha. Are you kidding? Sure my skin is more pink, but the millions of zits are driving me insane! I thought I was over the teenage breakouts! Not starting them! And I've also seemed to have all of the veins in my body come to surface! Can you say awkward! My husband, the sweet man that he is, thought he would mention to me that the vein in my neck was pulsing. Ha. Awkward silence, and more tears. Yep. Another pregnancy lie.
You will be emotional. No one explains that you will become the wicked witch of moodiness! And that block between what you think and what you say is GONE! Your emotions run your life.. My poor husband, I get angry a lot or cry a lot. I can't control it. I got mad because he asked me if I was sure on a size of a sweater I wanted! I cry at commercials, not the commercials that depress most people, oh no. I cried at a Charmin commercial! You know the ones with toilet paper and the little bears? Tears. Bawling. Like someone just killed my dog. I cant even imagine watching the news! Emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to explain it!
Swollen and "tender" breasts. Nope not tender! They become a "look not touch, hug, or go near" object for the husband. Or bra. That's right, a bra? Forget it! Too tight, too painful. Your lucky if you can get a loose tshirt on without crying! Luckily that only lasted the second month.'
Backaches. I've been fairly lucky when it comes to backaches. It hasn't started to hurt until the past week or so and I can manage it with a Tylenol easily. But I imagine it will make a turn for the worse later in the pregnancy when my stomach turns into a watermelon or two. (:
Dizziness. My favorite subject. Luckily enough I was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope when I was younger. For those of you who don't know what that is, it sums up to be my blood is dehydrated. So I have to Drink A TON of water so I don't pass out or become dizzy when I stand, walk or exercise. My water intake has to be twice what a person without this, then with pregnancy it has to double that. Yes. 128oz plus of water a day plus i have to drink more with activity just so I don't pass out. Pregnancy pumps more blood which makes my diagnoses become twice as bad. I've had some bad luck with passing out so far. I hit the floor hard a few weeks ago and ended up with three concussions. Yep, three! Wooooh. I have it under control for now, a few IVs and a 64oz cup is making life somewhat easier.
Round ligament pains. I'll explain this one because I had never heard it before until I got it. It's pretty much what it says, your ligaments and skin is stretching to make room for baby. Well the pain is like somebody stomped on your lower stomach/groin area with steel toe boots and twisted! Ouuucchh. Luckily I only notice them around bed time and during the night.
Now don't get me wrong, these are just a few Cons to the many Pros. Some days are better than others and now that I'm in my second trimester I've noticed my energy is back, I'm not sick, and breast pain has vanished. The other symptoms are manageable with an exception of a few bad days. I am enjoying pregnancy. I'm enjoying the experience and the fun trips to the doctor. I love going through the baby sections and seeing the fun things that will happen. I love reading up on the progress of my little one and how it is growing week by week.
Two weeks ago we went to the doctor for a check up. We talked him into letting us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We went into the ultrasound for a "Checkup." To make sure our baby was growing and everything formed healthily. During that we got to see that we are having a BOY! Experiencing a little bit of pain and moodiness was worth just seeing our boy on that screen! Seeing my husbands eyes light up because he's going to have a little boy to take fishing and play ball with. Finally our "it" turned into a "he". And it all became that much more real.
first baby,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Just Do it Thursday!
The days in the Life of Ashley and Ryan.
We are awesome people. We live by just doing, and that could be bad in some ways but so far it has brought us many blessings, for instance. This girl- The one in the middle with her tongue out...That's our baby girl Jessie. We got her in Logan. She is a full bread Boxer. Her color- Reverse brindle. That is right, reverse. If you ever see a Brindle boxer it is black with brown stripes, not very cute if you ask me but whatever floats your boat. We bought Jessie when she was one year old. We got her for free...yeah that's right for FREE! Best part? There is nothing wrong with her! She is perfect! She is the most fun breed of a dog you can get! I recommend if you have an active family or are a young outgoing couple to get a Boxer, they can be on the spendy side but sometimes cheaper than other dogs. They are the most active dogs I have ever owned and wont let you sit for a minute! My favorite thing about Jessie is she will run as fast as she can jump in the air and spin! Now if you don't understand what I mean when I say "active". Let me write you a picture. My husband stands just under 6 ft tall, she stands at about 2-3ft tall-on all fours- when she jumps she is above my husbands head! That's right! This dog has skill! She chases dragon flies and I've witnessed a few being caught in mid air. She rarely holds still and she love to play with her front paws...or flip around and hit you with her back ones. Guess that's why they call them BOXERS? Jessie is very calm around children though, she'll run with them but knows she is not allowed to Jump on them so she tries to jump over them...which never works because the kid is always too scared to hold still. I wouldn't trade my baby girl for anything!
Next "just do it" moment, Meet Nitro-
Nitro is named after Dodge Nitro. shocker right? Nitro is 7 weeks old TODAY! yep he is cute, right? He came into our lives just a few days ago when we saw and Add on ksl.com for him. He wasn't as cheap as Jessie was but he is also a pure bread boxer. He is also Reverse brindle color too! AND he has blue eyes! We fell in love with Nitro the second we saw him. He was shy when we got out to see the puppies, He hid behind a chair and after a few minutes of coaxing he came out and I got to hold him and pet him. After a few minutes of cuddling I had decided that I wanted him in our family. Ryan and I had to take off to buy him a small kennel really quick and so I set him on the ground. We talked to the lady for a few minutes and I noticed Nitro was sitting on my foot, as we walked away Nitro followed as if to say, "hey don't forget me!" Nitro came home with us that day and has never left my side since! Seriously, if you see me driving he is probably sitting on my lap! I take him everywhere. He is my baby. Jessie loves him...okay not so much as she would if he was older because she just walks right over him and he likes to bite...but she will learn to love him as he gets older. Best part is- Ryan is crazy for this dog, which isn't really a shocker, but it's so cute to see them play together. Ryan loves this dog because he has learned to fetch and brings the ball back, which Jessie refuses to do- she chases the ball jumps over it and runs back.
Now, Tomorrow our "Just do it" moment is Yellowstone. Now if you've been keeping up with us you know that Yellowstone is where we went on our honeymoon and stayed in this cabin --------->
and we've been back once since. This will be our second time going back since our honeymoon! All in just over a year! We will be staying in a cabin Just like this one and this time we are going with my family, Michael, Tyff, Mom, Dad, Nick, Bay, Grannyma-she's flying in from Texas just to come with! I have never been so excited for anything, except maybe being married to the man of my dreams! and Best part? We get to take Nitro! Jessie has to stay home because she's too big and doesn't fit in the car but as soon as we get a truck you bet she will be with us everywhere we go to!
I love our "Just do it" moments. It adds excitement to this boring life we live of work work work. Stay tuned and I'll post more "Just do it" moments as they come :D

Nitro is named after Dodge Nitro. shocker right? Nitro is 7 weeks old TODAY! yep he is cute, right? He came into our lives just a few days ago when we saw and Add on ksl.com for him. He wasn't as cheap as Jessie was but he is also a pure bread boxer. He is also Reverse brindle color too! AND he has blue eyes! We fell in love with Nitro the second we saw him. He was shy when we got out to see the puppies, He hid behind a chair and after a few minutes of coaxing he came out and I got to hold him and pet him. After a few minutes of cuddling I had decided that I wanted him in our family. Ryan and I had to take off to buy him a small kennel really quick and so I set him on the ground. We talked to the lady for a few minutes and I noticed Nitro was sitting on my foot, as we walked away Nitro followed as if to say, "hey don't forget me!" Nitro came home with us that day and has never left my side since! Seriously, if you see me driving he is probably sitting on my lap! I take him everywhere. He is my baby. Jessie loves him...okay not so much as she would if he was older because she just walks right over him and he likes to bite...but she will learn to love him as he gets older. Best part is- Ryan is crazy for this dog, which isn't really a shocker, but it's so cute to see them play together. Ryan loves this dog because he has learned to fetch and brings the ball back, which Jessie refuses to do- she chases the ball jumps over it and runs back.
and we've been back once since. This will be our second time going back since our honeymoon! All in just over a year! We will be staying in a cabin Just like this one and this time we are going with my family, Michael, Tyff, Mom, Dad, Nick, Bay, Grannyma-she's flying in from Texas just to come with! I have never been so excited for anything, except maybe being married to the man of my dreams! and Best part? We get to take Nitro! Jessie has to stay home because she's too big and doesn't fit in the car but as soon as we get a truck you bet she will be with us everywhere we go to!
I love our "Just do it" moments. It adds excitement to this boring life we live of work work work. Stay tuned and I'll post more "Just do it" moments as they come :D
Sunday, August 28, 2011
1 year anniversary
A little over a month ago was Ryan and My anniversary. One year, crazy how time flies and we're so excited to see what this next years bring. In honor of my one year anniversary I'm going to tell you 365 reasons I love Ryan Egbert.
- I love the way you laugh with me
- I love the way you kiss me on the forehead
- I love your faith
- I love the way you bring a smile to my face at anytime
- I love that you can cook and appreciate when I cook
- I love that you love Dodge with me
- I love that you take care of me
- I love the way you hold me when I'm sad
- I love that you think I'm cute when I get frustrated
- I love that you think I'm cute when I say random stuff
- I love that you love when I say random stuff
- I loved that you served a mission to an amazing place
- I love that you talk about your mission on a daily basis
- I love that before you leave in the mornings you cuddle with me
- I love how you will do anything to see me smile
- I love that you take baths with me
- I love that you bring me a glass of water each night before bed
- I love that you lock the house up every night or before you leave for work
- I love how you protect me
- I love how you get mad when a guy stares at me
- I love that you do dishes so I don't have to
- I love the support you give me
- I love the way you love your TV
- I love the way you love my family
- I love that you love our puppy
- I love when you start getting creative your mind doesn't stop
- I love that when you mow the lawn you ask me to sit outside and watch you
- I love the way you tell me you love me
- I love our late night walks
- I love staying up until 2am watching movies knowing we have to be up at 430am (:
- I love how you're just as addicted to Dr pepper as I am
- I love how you'll jump at any opportunity to do something, anything.
- I love how when we go to Yellowstone you get all happy and excited
- I love kissing you good morning and goodnight
- I love that when we wake up you let me lay on your chest until I NEED to get out of bed
- I love that you love frogs and lizards and any kind of animal really
- I love that you get me any animal(within reason) that I ask for
- I love that you are a hard working man
- I love how when I ask you a question about the scriptures you always have the answer
- I love how you drive all the way to Smithfield with me to get an ICEE
- I love how you jumped off the diving board when I asked
- I love that you go to the gas station at 3am to get a bag of ice so I can have water
- I love how you are with my young siblings and my nephew.
- I love how you text me on your work breaks
- I love how you call me when your cell phone isn't working
- I love how you fight with Verizon until you get a new cell phone
- I love how when we first dated way back in high school all of our hugs were awkward
- I love how you ignored your "best friend" when he was spreading rumors about me and believed me when you returned from your mission
- I love how you love to snowboard with me
- I love how you're on KSL looking up animals to add to our family
- I love how you remember the day we went to Beaver and rode Harry's dream lift and every time we ride it you bring it up
- I love how you love winter just as much if not more than I do
- I love how you smell good all the time
- I love how you have cologne from Brasil and get mad because I wont let you use it because I don't want you to waste it :D
- I love that you eat anything and everything
- I love that you love butterfingers milkshakes and eat them all the time even though you're lactose intolerant
- I love that you try to force me out the door right after I wake up because you think i'm Beautiful without makeup and my hair done
- I love how you love movies
- I love that you did everything you could to make me comfortable when I had surgery to remove my gallbladder
- I love how you let me pick on you
- I love that you do Laundry because I hate walking down our steep stairs in our house
- I love that you call people because I hate talking on the phone.
- I love how you surprise me with flowers when you come home from work
- I love how you respect people
- I love how you love your family, all 50000 of them ;)
- I love how you just understand me
- I love how you wont shave your beard
- I love that you are my family now and how you're excited to start a family with me in the future
- I love how you help decorate the house
- I love that it has taken you 10 months to hang up the pictures and they're still not hung
- I love how you clean out the fridge when you think we have no food
- I love how you bought my the coke-cola jars to match my red and black kitchen
- I love how you hate our carpet in the house just as much as I do
- I love how you love your car
- I love how supportive and caring you were when I went through a miscarriage
- I love how excited you were when you found out we were supposed to have a baby
- I love that you hid the pregnancy test from me and laughed when I freaked out because it needed to be on a flat surface
- I love how you ran to walmart at midnight because I was 100% positive I was pregnant
- I love how you go to Burger King for breakfast every time we go snowboarding
- I love that when we get in an argument you wont let me leave
- I love when you call me Mrs. Egbert
- I love that you always say I love you more
- I love how you forced me to buy a droid with my tax return just so you can have the other one droid for free
- I love how you bought me a car for my wedding present
- I love how we meet at Big J's in Richmond when we have to make a run to Logan after you get off work and how you drive behind me on the ride home just to make sure I make it home
- I love the way you say something is cute
- I love how whiny you are when you're in pain
- I love that you hug me all the time
- I love how you act like a kid sometimes
- I love that you get a farmers town and get excited about it
- I love how you say you cant swim but you always go swimming with me
- I love how you hated koolaid before we got married and now you love it
- I love how you love my cooking
- I love how you talk about the house, what you like and what you cant wait to change about it
- I love how you always plan out our day the night before and then it never goes that way
- I love that you drive with the windows down
- I love that you will let me paint anything I want
- I love that you bought the most expensive washer and dryer when we moved to our house and talk about how amazing they are all the time!
- I love that you facebook message me while you're on breaks
- I love that you didn't want me to cut my hair but now that 8-10inches are gone you love my hair
- I love that you encourage me to do anything I want
- I love that when we got back together the second time it was at midnight in the North Stake church parking lot and you parked down the street because you didn't want to be the first one there
- I love how you saw me in my wedding dress before the wedding and the smile that came to your face
- I love how on our wedding day we went to take my wedding dress off in the back room and your uncle Lyman and Tyson walked in and you jumped in front of me so they couldn't see your "hot wife"
- I love that your uncles love me so much
- I love your family
- I love your Grandma and how funny she is
- I love that you love being a mountain man
- I love how you tell me how I look, and tell me when I look bad
- I love how you swear
- I love how you kiss me at every stop sign and stop light
- I love how you always have your hand on my leg when i'm driving
- I love how you love the way I drive
- I love that you forced me to make a hand gesture to let you know when i'm ready to leave so I didn't have to say anything
- I love watching you walk
- I love that I catch other girls checking you out and you don't notice because you're too busy staring at me
- I love how you love watching me putting my makeup on
- I love that you pick me up and carry me to bed when we stay up too late
- I love how excited you were the first time you went to Texas with me
- I love how excited you were when we got to Texas and we got our own Bus and driver because it was my Grandpa Genes company
- I love that on the day I found out my Grandpa Gene passed away and you were at work and I text you to let you know you came home without me asking
- I love how you were prepared that day to leave for Texas within a few hours because you knew how upset I was
- I love how you held me on the way home because you knew I was upset I had to leave Texas
- I love how you love Grannyma
- I love how you love Papa
- I love how you respect my dad
- I love how much trust we have in each other
- I love how you buy me tampons and pads without even wincing
- I love how you talk for me
- I love how much you care and always say, "you're going to the hospital" even if i'm not that sick
- I love the way you smiled when you saw me on our wedding day
- I love that you calmed me down the day of our wedding
- I love that you wrote me a letter on our wedding day and reading it
- I love how excited you got to open our wedding presents
- I love how you let me sleep on the 4hour drive to our honeymoon
- I love that you buy me Victoria secret bra's because I can't wear any other kind because they're way too uncomfortable
- I love that you always snap my bra for me and that you've been doing it for so long that it takes me ten minutes to snap it for myself
- I love that you always end up laying horizontally on our bed and I have to wake you up in the middle of the night to move so that I can sleep on the bed
- I love that it took us so long for us to get used to sleeping together in a bed because we were used to having soo much space to move
- I love how you love to kiss me in public to let everyone know I'm yours
- I love how you are a great bargain shopper
- I love how you take care of the animals
- I love how you put up our mail box because we got a letter that was pointless
- I love how you let me buy a house instead of an apartment because I loved it so much
- I love how you take me on dates
- I love how you're so picky with what you wear
- I love how you let me wear your t shirts because they're more comfortable
- I love how you read my blog
- I love your blue eyes
- I love that you can eat everything but never gain weight
- I love that you tell me all of your ideas
- I love how cute you are when you get mad
- I love how cute you are when you get road rage
- I love the way you look at me when I'm being dumb
- I love the way I catch you staring at me
- I love how you lay on the front lawn with me and read the ensign
- I love how you don't like our ward just as much as I do but you love going to church so we always go with your mom or grandma
- I love how scared you are of snakes
- I love how you love four wheeling a little more than I do
- I love that we've named our kids
- I love how we plan our future everyday
- I love that you fix anything
- I love when you stare at me after I get ready for a date
- I love when you tell me I'm beautiful when I feel ugly without knowing i feel that way
- I love when you rub my back and my feet
- I love when you sit and watch The Doctors with me
- I love that you let me drive you to work because I miss you and want to spend every second with you as possible
- I love that you are so sure that we're going to have a boy first
- I love that you let me sing anytime I want and that you love it
- I love how you weren't scared to fart in front of me when we were dating
- I love that we are so comfortable with each other
- I love how you buy me new shoes when I want them
- I love how you hate when I wear a tank top
- I love how you cut my pants into shorts
- I love how you love when I wear my boots
- I love how you hate my chocolate chip cookies but you love my cake
- I love how you let me squirt you with the hose and not get upset about it
- I love how I hit you with the paintbrush and you pretended to get annoyed
- I love how you can fix the vacuum we got fo fwee
- I love that you let me say "fo fwee" and "coo whip"
- I love how we quote random movies and you laugh
- I love how you listen to me complain
- I love how comfortable you are with me when i'm on my period
- I love the way you hold me when I cry
- I love that you go on bike rides with me
- I love that you sold my bike that you just bought me because I wanted a bigger bike
- I love how you get irritated with your family and try to ignore it and be happy
- I love that you are always happy
- I love that you spent over $1000 on your snowboarding stuff because you could
- I love how you stare out the top of our door when someone knocks to make sure you want to answer
- I love how you stand up and support and worry about my brother
- I love how you always ask how my family is after I go visit
- I love how you listen to my dad when he talks to you
- I love how you let my dad teach you how to change the oil in your car
- I love how you love motorcycles
- I love how you are more redneck than anyone I know
- I love how you get mad at people who start fires by "cheating"
- I love how you think my little brother is the coolest kid ever
- I love how you want to buy Twinkies just to hear my little brother get excited about Twinkies
- I love how you run to the bathroom when you have to go
- I love how you tell me a knife isn't sharp and it cuts me then you feel bad so you get a band-aid
- I love how you love the way I edit pictures
- I love how you hate our neighbor boys just as much as I do
- I love how you get mad that our neighbor boys look over the fence when I'm in the back yard
- I love how it took us almost a year to buy curtains for our front room and we still hang sheets from the other windows
- I love that you jump out of bed to get me food in the morning
- I love that you shower every day
- I love that you ask me if I'm okay even though it annoys me sometimes
- I love how you bought new cushions for our free couch
- I love how you do anything to make me feel good
- I love how you get mad at the mail man because I have to go check the mail three times a day because he never is on time
- I love how you buy me ice cream even when I don't eat it all
- I love how you're addicted to funny video app
- I love how you're addicted to KSL
- I love how you get mad at me when i lick you
- I love how we get in hickey wars and feel like a bunch of teenagers
- I love how our love is so easy
- I love how our friendship comes first
- I love how you tell me you'll buy me a horse
- I love how you will buy me a Dodge truck one day
- I love how you pay the bills but let me know what and when you pay them
- I love how we have the same bank account
- I love how you love my stomach
- I love how you love my body
- I love how much I'm in love with you
- I love how you make me eat healthy
- I Love how you don't force me to drink more water even though we both know I need to
- I love how both our moms work at the same company
- I love how you make the room dark so we can sleep in
- I love how you let me sleep with you all day when you work graveyards
- I love how you bought me flowers and peppermint roses for my flower garden
- I love how you love the same music that I do
- I love how you have so much music
- I love that you built your own desktop computer and you brag about it all the time
- I love how you let me paint our kitchen blood red
- I love how you can smile at anything
- I love how you cry in front of me
- I love that you're not as tough as you think you are
- I love that you've only watched 3scary movies in your whole life and two of them were with me and I can scare you just by talking about it
- I love that you take me to Angie's just to get a cinnamon roll
- I love the way you kiss me after a fight
- I love the way you always forget your work shoes
- I love that you love the car scent black ice
- I love that you adore little kids just as much, if not more than I do
- I love the way you stare at me like your a little kid and I have a lollipop
- I love that you sing to me
- I love that you dance with me
- I love that you never let me go out without you because you know how much I hate going out alone
- I love the way you look with your Stunna shades on
- I love that when you get twitter pated you can never seem to talk
- I love that you get mad because my computer over heats every ten minutes
- I love that you jump at any opportunity to buy me something when I say "I want that"
- I love that we always Say what the other person is thinking
- I love that we love to travel
- I love that you love soccer
- I love that you love the temples
- I love that you tell me your dreams
- I love that when you read a book you tell me everything about it
- I love that you let me read the Pregnancy book to you
- I love that you go with my to my parents to watch my siblings at 430am
- I love that you make me a better person
- I love that you take me out on dates when I ask you to
- I love my wedding ring
- I love that you let me get mad at you when you forget to put your wedding ring back on after work
- I love my cute little house
- I love how we have big plans for our little house
- I love that you make fun of people with me
- I love that you people watch with me
- I love that you want to buy me a Jeep
- I love that we both have sooo many clothes and don't wear half of them
- I love that you help me whenever I need it
- I love that you hold Jessie when we go on walks because she likes to drag me
- I love that we hated each other when you returned from your mission
- I love that we opened presents a day early on Christmas day
- I love how you treat me when we're with your friends
- I love how we can just pack up and go camping when we feel like it
- I love how it takes you three months to do something you say you're going to do
- I love how you hate to do your hair but you still do it for me
- I love your sexy dance
- I love how you let me put my hand in your back pocket when we walk
- I love how you always have to have a belt because you're sooo skinny
- I love how you talk bad about Big J's at least three times a day everyday :D
- I love how you've never been to the rope swing
- I love how we go drives up the canyon
- I love how you tell kiss me goodbye
- I love how we found true love in each other
- I love how you fight for me
- I love how you let me eat icing when I feel like it
- I love the way you roll your eyes
- I love that took me to the rodeo and the carnival
- I love that you let me jump on you
- I love that we slept in the trunk that day in salt lake
- I love that you take me to the Hogle Zoo whenever I want to go
- I love that you got excited the day we went to the Dallas Zoo and got to feed the Giraffes
- I love how excited you got when we got to watch them train the Lions at the Dallas Zoo
- I love that you get annoyed with people and what they put on facebook
- I love that you pick out what I wear most of the time
- I love that you can change the oil in our cars now
- I love that you love deer and buck but you've never been hunting
- I love that you ask me about how you look every time you leave the house
- I love that you can read me like a book
- I love that you can tell if I'm upset from a mile away
- I love how you wont let me buy red lipstick because you don't want me too look like a Hooker
- I love how your eyes sparkle when you smile
- I love how you danced with me in the church parking lot blasting our song when it was snowing hard and we decided it was time to talk about Marriage
- I love how you proposed to me by making a t shirt and taking off your coat after we got off the ski-lift and going as fast as you could to the bottom so you could get on one knee and before I got there
- I love how you proposed at my work party and both of our families got to be there
- I love how you made my little brother and sister bring out the 2 dozen white roses before you proposed
- I love how happy I was on the ride home that night
- I love how much you kiss me
- I love how we talk about the shapes in the clouds
- I love how you let me take random pictures of you but you never smile for the camera
- I love how we go went four wheeling all the time when we were dating
- I love how you watch my favorite TV shows with me
- I love how you like romantic movies just as much as I do
- I love that when I buy a new pair of jeans you always check out my butt first
- I love that you get mad when you catch other guys looking at my butt
- I love that you switch to Portuguese in the middle of a sentence and get mad when I say what because I didn't understand
- I love that you understand me more than anyone else
- I love that you let me get on your facebook
- I love that we have a Boxer and that we love her so much we'll never get a different type of dog
- I love how every Boxer you see you want it
- I love that you can always eat
- I love that you didn't get mad the day my Doctor called me hot until after we left
- I love that you baby your car
- I love the way you sneeze
- I love that every time you sneeze it scares me
- I love scaring you
- I love that you accidentally hit me in the face at least twice a week while we sleep
- I love that I cant be mad at you for more than five minutes
- I love that when I try to give you the silence treatment you just have to touch me and I cave
- I love that you never let me go to bed mad
- I love that you took me on back roads to make out so we can feel like teenagers again
- I love that you always need a snack when we watch movies
- I love that you always get me a towel before I shower
- I love that you call me on your way home from work and talk to me the whole way home
- I love that you tell me everything that happens at work
- I love that keep me updated on the news
- I love that you like when I talk too fast and all my words end up combining
- I love that thought it was funny the day I colored my hair back to black and got color on the ceiling and don't know how
- I love that every time we go grocery shopping the next day we don't have any food
- I love that we still haven't put the shingles on the garage even though we have all the items we need
- I love how get amused at the littlest things
- I love that you rub me down with lotion whenever I ask
- I love that sing the male part of duets on songs
- I love that we get in tickle wars
- I love that we say prayers together
- I love that you rescued me
- I love that when we play monopoly when we're bored
- I love that we challenge each other
- I love that people tell us we're cute together
- I love that you take me out to eat at yummy places
- I love that you love the Brazilian restaurant in Logan and how excited you got when it came into town
- I love how you brought my younger brother and sister trick or treating to me while I was at work
- I love how you laughed at me when I screamed on Halloween day and we witnessed that car accident
- I love how we can talk for hours and hours
- I love how you cant burp
- I love how you always laugh and say "I love you" after I burp
- I love how you got upset when the bunny ran away
- I love how you bought me two more bunnies after Chewy got stolen
- I love how you love Jessie so much and treat her like she is our daughter even though she's a dog
- I love how you treat me like I'm your world
- I love how much you love my giggle
- I love how you can get so excited over tools
- I love how much I love everything about you and how well you treat me and that we get to spend the rest of our lives together!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Biathlon-ing into shape! :D
Running? Biking? Are you kidding? No way am I ever going to do it...okay maybe I will.
My brother and I would ride our bikes everywhere, literally. Last week of school we'd ride our bikes to school everyday. Then when summer hit we would hop on the bikes when we woke up and head over to good ol' P-town. Yep, Preston, Idaho! When we got there we would meet up with our cousins and friends and take off...on our bikes. We were probably riding our bikes 20 to 30+ miles a day and we loved it. Never broke a sweat, just enjoyed friends, family and the summer. As we started to grow up and get our drivers licenses our summer biking adventures ended and guess what!? I gained 30lbs in a short amount of time, yep. I went from the tiny 110lbs girl to 140lbs throughout high school! Mostly because I wasn't doing any sports in high school because everyone was "better than me." I was not "small" by any means and I didn't really care. Until I graduated.
Graduation came and so did a "real job". I started working a Pepperidge Farm that summer and enjoyed it but found I was starting to eat healthy meals at work and 8-9 hours on my feet kept my weight down. End of that summer I weighed 120lbs and started dating some awesome men. Then winter came, yep snowboarding took OVER! And this awesome guy, who soon became my husband. After a year(yes we have almost been married for a whole YEAR!) I've managed to keep fairly healthy and happy but this week I decided it was time to kick my lame no job, sitting around, married lifestyle in the booty and start working on 5k, 10k, biathlons, etc.! I am quite excited to start and I have just registered to do the Preston, Idaho Biathlon on the 30 of July(yep end of this month!). So today started training.
I will be doing this blog so I can keep track of what I do and how I feel about everything. Hopefully this will be a fun adventure (:
As I was growing up I was in fairly good shape...okay Pretty GREAT shape actually! I have always been athletic, but not the most athletic person in my class by any means. I played a lot of sports like Soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, Dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading. I loved being active with my family too. We would go camping A LOT! Roughing it in our blue and red tent, we went hiking and climbing, swimming and biking. We always enjoyed the outdoors which made me the person who can't handle just sitting around. I have to be going going going all the time and I love it! Now that you know how active I am, let me tell you a story of my childhood.
My brother and I would ride our bikes everywhere, literally. Last week of school we'd ride our bikes to school everyday. Then when summer hit we would hop on the bikes when we woke up and head over to good ol' P-town. Yep, Preston, Idaho! When we got there we would meet up with our cousins and friends and take off...on our bikes. We were probably riding our bikes 20 to 30+ miles a day and we loved it. Never broke a sweat, just enjoyed friends, family and the summer. As we started to grow up and get our drivers licenses our summer biking adventures ended and guess what!? I gained 30lbs in a short amount of time, yep. I went from the tiny 110lbs girl to 140lbs throughout high school! Mostly because I wasn't doing any sports in high school because everyone was "better than me." I was not "small" by any means and I didn't really care. Until I graduated.
"Bring on the journey" |
Graduation came and so did a "real job". I started working a Pepperidge Farm that summer and enjoyed it but found I was starting to eat healthy meals at work and 8-9 hours on my feet kept my weight down. End of that summer I weighed 120lbs and started dating some awesome men. Then winter came, yep snowboarding took OVER! And this awesome guy, who soon became my husband. After a year(yes we have almost been married for a whole YEAR!) I've managed to keep fairly healthy and happy but this week I decided it was time to kick my lame no job, sitting around, married lifestyle in the booty and start working on 5k, 10k, biathlons, etc.! I am quite excited to start and I have just registered to do the Preston, Idaho Biathlon on the 30 of July(yep end of this month!). So today started training.
I will be doing this blog so I can keep track of what I do and how I feel about everything. Hopefully this will be a fun adventure (:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"
When we fall in love, we're above it all. We float in the sky and don't see anything bad. Our hearts can only laugh and our happiness is the only thing that we really see. People say that the butterflies every time he looks at you with that smile, the skipping heart beats when he tells you you're beautiful will go away. They say it wont last, but why will it not?
I've seen my parents go through marriage for over 22 years now and I see the love they have for each other everyday. I see the way my dad can still makes my mom laugh and squirt Diet Dr. Pepper out of her nose, the way he pushes her buttons a little too far sometimes, and the way he kisses her and she still gets that same teenage crush smile on her lips. The changes and the struggles that they've had to live with, I've seen them fight, argue and be laughing at it a couple hours later. I've seen them hanging by a thread and on top of the world. I grew up wondering if I was ever going to find a guy and have a marriage like theres, then I realized once I found him I couldn't let him go. After years of watching my parents I've learned something important, I don't think anyone has ever tried to teach me or tell me this, but, marriage isn't supposed to be perfect.

Learn from mistakes and one day down the road everything will be perfect. The house will be clean, the Cadillac wont have any kind of a mess, dinner will always be at a certain time and smell wonderful, and you can look back and remember growing up and the first years of marriage. You'll have stories to tell that will make your kids' eyes sparkle with happiness and after all of those years you will still understand that marriage will never be perfect and laughing at those ridiculous moments will only make your marriage stronger.
I am not saying that this is the key factor for everybody, I've just seen it work a few times. (:
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
"Lovers dance when they're feeling in love.
Spotlight shinning, it's all about us.
It's all, all, all, all.
Every heart in the room will melt,
This is a feeling I've never felt, but
It's all, all about us" - He Is We
Spotlight shinning, it's all about us.
It's all, all, all, all.
Every heart in the room will melt,
This is a feeling I've never felt, but
It's all, all about us" - He Is We
Life is a funny thing. Kind of a mess in the shape of the world. So ready or not you have to be prepared to take anything. So this blog is a little bit about me. I realize not a lot of people actually KNOW me. I can hide my feelings very well, maybe I'm a little bit "two faced," but I like to think both of them are pretty. So here's the insider.
I'm am In love with a man who I met when I was a sophmore in High school. He went on a mission to Brasil and I absolutely love that he can speak Portuegese. Everything that has been embarassing that has happened to a girl has probably happened to me, twice! For example( all on my wedding day) Period-Check. Zits- Check. Cramps while walking down the isle- Check. completely embarrassing moment while telling my husband that- Check. All though he was oddly okay with all of that.
I've fallen in front of a huge group of people. I've walked into a wall while everybody watched. I've had awkward hugs and an awkward first kiss that "missed." And this is just the beginning! I would go on, but I would rather not bore you.
The point is, all of these embarrasing moments happen to EVERY girl in the world.(just not on there wedding day.) And it's things like this who has made me who I am. "Which is?" Well let me get to that.
I'm a small town girl with big Dreams. I want to be a big shot accountant or business owner. A killer mom who does it all, Makes it to that 5am meeting then the soccer game at 9am and dinner on the table by 6. Big dreams, I know, but I'm getting there if things go as planned...which they never do. My plans never, ever, ever work out the way I want them to.
I love singing and dancing in the car, I don't care who is in it or around.
I will wear Jeans and a T-shirt over anything else, but getting all dressed up is pretty sweet too.
I grew up not openly caring about anything but when I got home I would worry about it for weeks.
I cry all the time, mostly lately, but that's because of birth control pills, I'll save that story for another time.
I'm always in a hurry but never really have anywhere to go.
I love to clean as long as it's not Laundry or dishes. Anything else I will do in a heartbeat.
I'll try everything, seriously. Snowboarding down a mountain without snow. Cliff jumping. One day I will jump out of an airplane.
I'm a music freak, literally can not go ten minutes without music.
I roll with the punches, anything life throws at me, you can bet I'll be ready for it.
I don't hate... Every person who has broke my heart, stabbed me in the back, tried to tear me apart... I still don't hate them. I feel like some people try to make me hate them but I'm not a hater.
I don't judge either. Life is what you want it to be and you are who you want to be, it's your choice and I wont stand in the way of your decisions.
I would not be around today if it wasn't for my family. They have supported me and helped me when they didn't even know they did.
I believe a Kiss from a person you love will make everything better.
I Love just being with friends and hanging out.
I believe Movies and books are an amazing get-away from reality.
I love fashion. Dresses, skirts, boots, heals... I've worn it all.
Never every break a pinky promise because that stuff is legit. literally.
I'm an outdoors freak. I'd probably live outside if I didn't enjoy the warmth of a cozy bed so much.
I am a Mormon, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints and I'm very proud of it, but I wont preach to people who aren't apart of our church.
I care way too much about people and try to protect too many people.
Every little thing that has gone wrong in my life has made me an awesome person in the end.
Trust me, I enjoy life more than any person I know.
I am beautiful, and so are you. Let's be friends (:
This is just a little about getting to know me. Most of my blogs from here on out are going to revolve more around feelings.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Catching Up
Hey guys! I have been slacking, partially because I do not have internet except for tether on Ryans cell phone that I can hook up my computer to so I can use the Internet.
On Ryans days off work we like to do fun things... sitting at home is good sometimes but we like to get out too. Two Saturdays ago we went to the Zoo, The Hogle Zoo.
Then this past Saturday, Ryan did work, but, we had an easter party that night. 500 easter eggs filled with candy hidden in, around, our yard and house! It was a lot of fun to spend time with the family and enjoy how happy it made all of them. We have the "GOLDEN EGG" that is hid and whoever finds it gets a "special" surprise. This year Bailey found the egg. Here are some pictures.
Today, I won Tickets to go see the movie Fast Five! Awesome show that I fell in love with! It was a-maze-zing! This movie kept me on the edge of the seat the whole movie! Ryan had to hold me down at the end because I was literally jumping out of it! (:
On Ryans days off work we like to do fun things... sitting at home is good sometimes but we like to get out too. Two Saturdays ago we went to the Zoo, The Hogle Zoo.
Then this past Saturday, Ryan did work, but, we had an easter party that night. 500 easter eggs filled with candy hidden in, around, our yard and house! It was a lot of fun to spend time with the family and enjoy how happy it made all of them. We have the "GOLDEN EGG" that is hid and whoever finds it gets a "special" surprise. This year Bailey found the egg. Here are some pictures.
Today, I won Tickets to go see the movie Fast Five! Awesome show that I fell in love with! It was a-maze-zing! This movie kept me on the edge of the seat the whole movie! Ryan had to hold me down at the end because I was literally jumping out of it! (:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
our fun loving dog.
Who doesn't want a dog that chews up random things? We're not talking shoes or furniture, no... not my dog! My dog chews up buckets... rake handles... cardboard boxes... and any toy you can find. Our back yard is a mess because of it! so this past few sunny days that's what we've been "trying" to clean up. haha, Here are some pictures.
The back yard, excuse the mess. The people before us didn't rake or anything before all the snow hit so we had to clean it all up. On top of that...you have the dogs chewed up cardboard, bucket, rake, ect.
Back of the house/garage and Jets new kenal! (Jet is my brothers dog spending vacation with us though.)
Our yard is quite large...one of the reasons I bought the house! come over for a cook out, we enjoy company :)
So that was our messy yard... We love it. It will be completely cleaned by the end of the week though ;)
The bucket...no longer a bucket (:
The back yard, excuse the mess. The people before us didn't rake or anything before all the snow hit so we had to clean it all up. On top of that...you have the dogs chewed up cardboard, bucket, rake, ect.
This is our awesome playhouse and sand box. We're hoping to get it fixed up by end of summer.
Back of the house/garage and Jets new kenal! (Jet is my brothers dog spending vacation with us though.)
Our yard is quite large...one of the reasons I bought the house! come over for a cook out, we enjoy company :)
So that was our messy yard... We love it. It will be completely cleaned by the end of the week though ;)
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