"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love"
When we fall in love, we're above it all. We float in the sky and don't see anything bad. Our hearts can only laugh and our happiness is the only thing that we really see. People say that the butterflies every time he looks at you with that smile, the skipping heart beats when he tells you you're beautiful will go away. They say it wont last, but why will it not?
I've seen my parents go through marriage for over 22 years now and I see the love they have for each other everyday. I see the way my dad can still makes my mom laugh and squirt Diet Dr. Pepper out of her nose, the way he pushes her buttons a little too far sometimes, and the way he kisses her and she still gets that same teenage crush smile on her lips. The changes and the struggles that they've had to live with, I've seen them fight, argue and be laughing at it a couple hours later. I've seen them hanging by a thread and on top of the world. I grew up wondering if I was ever going to find a guy and have a marriage like theres, then I realized once I found him I couldn't let him go. After years of watching my parents I've learned something important, I don't think anyone has ever tried to teach me or tell me this, but, marriage isn't supposed to be perfect.

You're not supposed to have the perfect house on a hill, the one that's always clean, with the big SUV that never gets grape juice stains on the seats. The perfect flower garden where all the flowers bloom at the same time. You're allowed to fight, go to bed late and wake up even later. You don't have to have dinner on the table at a certain time every single night. You're allowed to make mistakes. Marriage can't be perfect if you're truly living! If you're enjoying every moment of life you are going to make a mistake. You'll burn a dinner and call for a pizza. You're going to forget to turn on the washer and have to go commando one day. You're going to run out of gas on the side of the road and argue about why women
never put gas in there cars. Your flowers are going to completely miss a season and your house is allowed to be a mess at times.

My excuse, we're too busy living to worry about the small things. Your husband will smile while you cry when you burn his birthday cake because you were too busy with him. He'll laugh when you back his truck into your mail box because that's the first time he's ever heard you swear. You'll fight because you both have different opinions. You'll argue about money and work and almost everything else. That's what marriage is! Two people learning how to love each other no matter what and laugh at the end of the day at the stupid things that went so impossibly wrong! If you want a marriage to work find a person that knows how to laugh instead of get mad. I'm not going to try to tell you that your love for one another is supposed to be all twitter-pated and butterflies, It's not supposed to be happiness all the time. You'll get upset, you'll be furious at times but if we don't learn from the moments when we are trying to give whats best for each other. If we don't USE those moments as tools in our future then a marriage will never work.
If you're not honest and faithful to each other than it will fail even faster. If you don't know how to laugh at the small things then I believe a marriage will never last.
Learn from mistakes and one day down the road everything will be perfect. The house will be clean, the Cadillac wont have any kind of a mess, dinner will always be at a certain time and smell wonderful, and you can look back and remember growing up and the first years of marriage. You'll have stories to tell that will make your kids' eyes sparkle with happiness and after all of those years you will still understand that marriage will never be perfect and laughing at those ridiculous moments will only make your marriage stronger.
I am not saying that this is the key factor for everybody, I've just seen it work a few times. (:
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