"Lovers dance when they're feeling in love.
Spotlight shinning, it's all about us.
It's all, all, all, all.
Every heart in the room will melt,
This is a feeling I've never felt, but
It's all, all about us" - He Is We
Life is a funny thing. Kind of a mess in the shape of the world. So ready or not you have to be prepared to take anything. So this blog is a little bit about me. I realize not a lot of people actually KNOW me. I can hide my feelings very well, maybe I'm a little bit "two faced," but I like to think both of them are pretty. So here's the insider.
I'm am In love with a man who I met when I was a sophmore in High school. He went on a mission to Brasil and I absolutely love that he can speak Portuegese. Everything that has been embarassing that has happened to a girl has probably happened to me, twice! For example( all on my wedding day) Period-Check. Zits- Check. Cramps while walking down the isle- Check. completely embarrassing moment while telling my husband that- Check. All though he was oddly okay with all of that.
I've fallen in front of a huge group of people. I've walked into a wall while everybody watched. I've had awkward hugs and an awkward first kiss that "missed." And this is just the beginning! I would go on, but I would rather not bore you.
The point is, all of these embarrasing moments happen to EVERY girl in the world.(just not on there wedding day.) And it's things like this who has made me who I am. "Which is?" Well let me get to that.
I'm a small town girl with big Dreams. I want to be a big shot accountant or business owner. A killer mom who does it all, Makes it to that 5am meeting then the soccer game at 9am and dinner on the table by 6. Big dreams, I know, but I'm getting there if things go as planned...which they never do. My plans never, ever, ever work out the way I want them to.
I love singing and dancing in the car, I don't care who is in it or around.
I will wear Jeans and a T-shirt over anything else, but getting all dressed up is pretty sweet too.
I grew up not openly caring about anything but when I got home I would worry about it for weeks.
I cry all the time, mostly lately, but that's because of birth control pills, I'll save that story for another time.
I'm always in a hurry but never really have anywhere to go.
I love to clean as long as it's not Laundry or dishes. Anything else I will do in a heartbeat.
I'll try everything, seriously. Snowboarding down a mountain without snow. Cliff jumping. One day I will jump out of an airplane.
I'm a music freak, literally can not go ten minutes without music.
I roll with the punches, anything life throws at me, you can bet I'll be ready for it.
I don't hate... Every person who has broke my heart, stabbed me in the back, tried to tear me apart... I still don't hate them. I feel like some people try to make me hate them but I'm not a hater.
I don't judge either. Life is what you want it to be and you are who you want to be, it's your choice and I wont stand in the way of your decisions.
I would not be around today if it wasn't for my family. They have supported me and helped me when they didn't even know they did.
I believe a Kiss from a person you love will make everything better.
I Love just being with friends and hanging out.
I believe Movies and books are an amazing get-away from reality.
I love fashion. Dresses, skirts, boots, heals... I've worn it all.
Never every break a pinky promise because that stuff is legit. literally.
I'm an outdoors freak. I'd probably live outside if I didn't enjoy the warmth of a cozy bed so much.
I am a Mormon, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints and I'm very proud of it, but I wont preach to people who aren't apart of our church.
I care way too much about people and try to protect too many people.
Every little thing that has gone wrong in my life has made me an awesome person in the end.
Trust me, I enjoy life more than any person I know.
I am beautiful, and so are you. Let's be friends (:
This is just a little about getting to know me. Most of my blogs from here on out are going to revolve more around feelings.