Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Three months old already. (:

This month...we were really hungry (:

and we liked to sleep...
Mostly because, 
After the Family reunion, we got sick.

 So the next day we decided to get fresh air..and play in the sunshine

We went on lots and lots of bike rides

braided bailey's hair...lots.

X made the cutest funny faces

 ...and it wore him out.

My mommy and daddy took my family bowling for my birthday..
& Michael and Tyffee made me an awesome cake!

then a week later I got my birthday bowling ball from my parents(:
which is GORGEOUS! 
So we had to go bowling again so I could take it for a test run ;) 
I won! 
Xander started smiling big 
 and then became a really cute monster
I received way too many text messages in under an hour O.o
and our little girl(who isn't so little) is pregnant by our little boy(who also isn't so little)
 We taught Haiden to use the camera...
but, he needs some new skills :D
 Mommy and Daddy cleaned, while X supervised (:
  And I was a bad wife and drew on my husbands arm...with eyeliner :D
We turned on our hazard lights on our bikes to ride as fast as we could to the hospital(which is a block away) 
at ten at night for this little boy...
 who got his first dog bite...
 and his first stitches. 
 We also got to see my cutie little sister turn as white as the sheet on my brothers face...

because she couldn't handle watching her brother get these (:

Ryan and I got bored one night, so we microwaved a bar of soap.

 Ryan got a cool bench for Fathers day (:
 And X played with Grandma and Grandpa Egberts puppy
 he also got to ride a horse aunt Brittani bought.
 we ate some awesome Mexican food
 and X started to sit up...with the couches help
We used our patio to cook out lots (: 
 X decided he LOVES to hear his own voice...
 And we played games...on the ipad, and laptop. 
While watching a movie...and playing Uno. 
Multi tasking? Must be our moms kids (:
 X got some awesome shoes from Grandma Janeal
 and he likes them lots...
 I watched my roses bloom

all the while X grew out of his infant car seat...

So we moved him to his big boy car seat (:
 We saw a moose...

 and caught little mans pouty face on camera

 We didn't like it, so our little boy got to eat a popsicle.
After the popsicle we decided it was time for X's first bath all by himself..
 where he loves to swim from the top of the tub..

to the bottom of the tub...

Then push off the bottom and swim back to the top! 
 so then we decided it was time to take him to a real pool..
 and we spent hours swimming!
 we enjoyed late night bike rides, and looking at the stars.

Aunt Heather and Cousin Casey came to town...
 So we took Egbert Family Pictures

Then Aunt Heather...

bought X the cutest PJ'S 
 and we love his 'bear bottom' 
 Bai caught a frog.
 and Grandma Janeal pulled out baby pictures of Ryan.
 My mom, sister and us went to the movie Rock Of Ages.
 We decided it was way too hot for pants...
so cloth diapers it is (:
 and after all of that we decided we couldn't live without our cute little boy  (: