Friday, April 5, 2013

one year old STATS!

My baby just turned ONE on the 24th of March. He's not exactly my small little boy anymore, he's pretty big! We are not sure where he got it from, but he's growing so fast! 

Weight 24lbs 10oz ~ 75th percentile
Height 32 Inches ~ 97th percentile
Head 50.8cm ~ above the 100th percentile.

Xander has been such an amazing blessing to our life! He is so much fun and such a good baby.  

Xander says a handful of words. Dadda, Moooomm, Duck, Bath, and tickle. He says tickle a lot lately, it's so cute and I wish I could get it on Video because he says it so so fast that you almost can't hear it unless you know that's what he is saying. 

Xander wont walk by himself, but he'll walk if you hold his hand, yes, just one hand. If you are holding on to his hand he walks like a champ. He will stand up by himself without help from anything. He will cruise around our furniture so fast that it scares me but when you try to get him to walk all by himself he freaks out and sits as fast as he can. 

Xander LOVES water. He love's taking baths. He has now figured out that the toilet seat goes up and water is in it, safe to say our bathroom door is ALWAYS shut now! 

Xander has never had a binkie. Not even when he was a baby. I have heard and seen horrendous moments of kids and binkies so we never let him have one. A few weeks ago however I happened to find one that we received from the hospital and I handed it to him to see what he would do with it, he put it in his mouth bit it as hard as he could spit it out and went on to play with other toys. 

He is the best eater! He will eat almost EVERYTHING we have given him! I say almost because a couple weeks ago I cut up a hot dog and gave it to him, he took one bite of it spit it out and wouldn't touch it again. I tried to give it to him again the other night and he wouldn't have anything to do with it! 

Xander would be outside 24/7 if I would let him. I'm not even kidding. He loves dirt, and the feel of grass between his toes. He loves the swing, the trees, and he loves smelling flowers. We try to go on walks and bike rides every day because he laughs and claps the whole ride. 

Xander is an amazing sleeper. He will be in bed at 8:30 pm almost every night and he wakes up at 7 am every morning. He is then back in bed at 8 am and wakes up after 10 am. He goes down for an afternoon nap at 1 pm and wakes up at 2 pm then will take a 15 min power nap at 6:30. We have noticed that he wont sleep well unless he is in his own bed. He wont sleep in mom and dads bed no matter how hard we try. At grandma's he will now(after a year of trying) sleep but it has to be on "HIS" blanket on the dog bed. 

He climbs up and down our stairs like a champ! It took us a few weeks of trying to get him to TRY taking the stairs but now he is amazing at them! 

Xander doesn't watch TV  He will watch a movie if both Ryan and I are watching one but that's it. We also don't have TV, we have my parents' Netflix account and we have tried to get him to watch so many cartoons but he just wont do it. 

He LOVES LOVES LOVES people. Especially kids around his age. He will laugh and smile at almost anyone. I have only met a couple of people who he wants absolutely NOTHING to do with.

Xander loves music. He is always "singing" and dancing. He loves to bang on pots and pans, lids and random furniture with my make-up brushes. (future drummer? hope so!) We are not "allowed" to drive in the car without music on, he will do a high pitch squeal if it's not on, or if it is too quiet. 

Xander is really independent. It scares me actually. He can't fall asleep if someone else is in the room. He has to feed himself. He gets frustrated if you try to help him with a toy. He wont let you read him a book, he has to "read" it himself ect. I'm hoping that it's just a phase but I doubt's just who he is! 

Xander loves to open drawers and pull everything out of them, but when I LOVE most is that he will put it back if you ask! He is such a good listener  If you say NO he immediately stops. If you say come here, he comes. If you tell him, "bath time" he heads straight to the bathroom. Pat-a-cake or yayy and he will clap his hands. Say "get down" and he immediately sits. I love how well he listens and I hope it stays this way forever! 

I'm not going to lie, every day is not a picnic here. We have had some rough moments. Xander doesn't get sick often but he has been sick two or three times that has made any normal kids ornery day look like a walk in the park. We got lucky with X and we know it. We are so thankful for our son every single day, good and bad. He is the light of my life and the best part of my day! I couldn't even imagine life without him! 

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