Thursday, January 19, 2012

The 5 year plan that turned into a 1 year plan!

I'm excited and scared with how fast things are moving. Our "wait 5 years to have kids" didn't work out exactly how we expected but now I can't deny how happy I am that it is going the way it is.

I am 26 or 28 weeks pregnant... My due date has changed according to the ultrasound so we may be having him a little earlier than we expected! But I am in my last stretch of pregnancy. The Third trimester has hit with vengeance that is for sure!

My second Trimester was AMAZING! But it went by sooo fast. I felt great through all of it, I could eat. I had no aches. I started to feel my son kick and wiggle a lot more. I exercised and even did some snowboarding! My weight gain is back on track, still not where it should be but healthy enough we don't have to worry about it any more! As my second trimester pulled to an end I started feeling a little bit crummy. I had a cough and I was exhausted, but I just figured it was a simple cold. I put off going to the doctor until my monthly appointment, even though Ryan had begged me to go see him a few days early. The day of the appointment we got to the doctors office and It was full! My doctor was on-call at the ER so we had to wait for him to return, I thought about rescheduling but knew that Ry wouldn't allow it because of me feeling a little under the weather. Three hours later the doctor was back! He came in and talked to me for a few minutes, checked out our little man and everything was good, he then checked my ears, throat, breathing which I thought was weird because he hasn't done that kind of a check-up on me since I was just a kid! Then he wrote down something on a prescription pad and said, "I want you to take this for your Bronchitis." and I tuned out after that. BRONCHITIS?! How could that be possible, I wasn't feeling THAT sick. Well The next day I realized that I really was feeling that sick and had just put it off before. I had a horrible sounding cough and my chest, throat, and ears had been killing me but I thought it was just a perk of third trimester. guess not.

As of the third trimester perks;

Cravings. They have got the best of me! I give into them too because I believe they are somewhat healthy :-) but I haven't had any "weird" cravings yet, like that famous pickles and ice cream. Instead I've been craving Chinese food(specifically Wok On Wheels' Sweet and Sour Chicken), acidic fruits like Oranges and Strawberries, carrots, salads, salsa, Tigers Blood icee, smoothies, and cheese. So the icee has a lot of sugar but it's not summer so I havent had one! Good thing it's not too or I would probably be having three a day! ;-)

Back aches. Just started a week ago! And oh my back does hurt! I can usually ignore it but I know in the last few weeks that will probably be my biggest complaint!

Breast growth. Okay this might be TMI but it's a part of pregnancy. And it is definitely happening! Seriously none of my shirts fit because of my breasts. My bras are all tight now. I've gone up 2cup sizes! Ya you can let your chin drop because I'm just as shocked at how much they change and I haven't even began to produce milk yet! 8-O

Weight gain. At the end of pregnancy I should be at a healthy weight of 175lbs... Wow that's a big number writing it out ;-) . Reaching that limit may be pushing it a little since now I'm back to just over my PRE-pregnancy weight.

Braxton Hicks Contractions. Hmm my favorite. They sure do come A LOT but they don't hurt, just make my stomach feel awkward :-)

Shortness of breath. Okay I might be having this more because of my bronchitis but it still SUCKS! Walking up the stairs and breathing like i just ran a marathon gets people looking at me a little funny. So I'm hoping he drops down off my lungs soon because not being able to breath is a real pain. Although Getting kicked in the ribs is so much worse!

Heart burn. Haven't had horrible heart burn yet! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Swelling. None! My shoes still fit. My ring is still loose! Luckily my legs aren't swollen and My PRE-pregnancy pants still fit. It's Just my shirts that are running a little too tight lately but my belly swelling isn't really something I can do anything about :-)

Spider veins, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. My veins are appearing brighter but not causing any problems and only in my stomach and chest area. No hemorrhoids and PRAYING I don't get any ever!!

So there are some fun and not so fun symptoms. Xander is weighing in at about(estimated from the ultrasound) just over 2lbs(that was last week) I can definitely feel him wiggling around tons and tons though! My favorite thing is watching Ryan's face light up every time he gets to feel his son wiggle around but I can tell things are starting to get a little cramped for the little one because he hasn't been moving as much as he was two weeks ago! Our nursery is on the drawing board... Literally! We will start painting This weekend and I am wayy excited to put my art skills to the test! We are doing Horton Hears A Who bedroom. I have already drawn Horton on one of the walls so we just need to paint him on. Finish the "Whoville town" on one of the walls. I need to draw out Katie, and Morton. The clouds. The hills and we need to put up the trees! So excited to see the finished result! And pictures will be posted as soon as it is finished! :-) only a few more months!

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