I went into the grocery store a few days ago and I heard some women, adult women, older than me women, talking badly about a person who I have never met, or heard of in my life. I felt disgusted with these women. They were talking quite loudly and in front of a lot of people. They were saying this woman who they were talking badly abouts name, and while I was listening to them I couldn't help but to watch the people around them, most ignored them, some looked at them disgusted, and others walked by and heard what they were saying then started a gossip chain of there own. I kept thinking why would anybody talk like this? It is mean, cruel, and don't they have better things to do?
So this has been in my mind for a few days. I've always watched people do this, it seems like in a small town you see it a lot and I've caught myself doing it a few times, and now I wonder why I ever did. I started to really notice this in high school. After listening to a lot of people talk badly about others I found myself 'pulling away' from the crowd. I didn't want to be friends with people who couldn't say a nice thing about anybody else. I mean, If they can't say nice things about any other person then they're probably not saying anything nice about you.
I've had people ask me how I do it. A lot of girls would talk bad about me and I found it easy to ignore. And now, that question is easy for me to answer after years of questioning that myself. I always thought it was because I just didn't care what others thought of me. They can think what they want but they don't know me. They don't know my life and what I go through. Now that I'm older I realized the real reason why though.
It's because when you feel good about you, and your life, you don't attack others.
You find it easy to ignore somebody who is calling you fat when you think you look great. You find it easy to be happy when you are happy, but when you start to feel insecure about yourself that's when you start verbally abusing other people so you can make yourself look better, but it doesn't make you better.
When you really feel good about yourself you start to find you have better things to do then to judge everyone else. You find the beauty in everything else. You see how life can be great and you make better choices for yourself.
To me when you start to talk about how people are getting fat, or too skinny, or a slut, or a **tch, you are making yourself look insecure, because those people might not be what you want them to be or act the way you want them to act and it might not be healthy for them, but that doesn't mean you should verbally abuse them to make yourself feel better. Everybody is beautiful in there own way, and by making smart choices and loving yourself and your life you can start to find yourself beautiful too.
Also you really should watch what you say and who you say it in front of, because verbally abusing people who make you feel insecure isn't sending a good message. Not to you, not to others, and definately not to the kids standing around you listening.
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