My new obsessions (:
Anogora Rabbits.
Who doesn't want a rabbit like this? It's so fluffy I'll die! We saw these rabbits in richmond driving home from Logan one day and stopped to ask if they were for sale, sadly they were not. Ever since I've been obsessed, look them up on google images and you will be too! I'm determined to get one, especially since there fur sales for a lot of money.
I've always loved boots, shoes, and any other fashionable object actually. These boots in particular will be showing up at my house tomorrow and I can't wait to try them out! I love, there shoes are cheap and way cute! check them out (:
Hair color.

Okay, Ke$ha isn't the best role model, but, I like some of her songs and I love her hair. I want to go blonde but I just don't know if I should. I love the messy blonde look and I've been brunette/black since forever! I need idea's!! Blonde or not? cut it? help me out! (:
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